Sunday, May 4, 2008

What do AAA, a drunk man, and a running car have in common?

Oh, that's right, they all have to do with our PRE-LONG RUN experience this weekend. Oh, faithful blogstalkers...let me tell you the story.

We've decided to set out water and gatorade the night before instead of having to wear our water belts. It's just a little bit easier (unless the garabage peeps steal our water.... that's been fun) Well, I had procrastinated and slept in so I was hurrying around our 16 miler dropping gatorade and water. Our Camry's door handle has been having issues so we have to open it from the passenger side, btw. I got to our 3rd water stop (and luckily was chatting with Amanda on the BB) and ran out of the car to drop the water. It all happened in slow motion. I saw the door closing, I ran to grab the door, the door closed, I got to the door. And....the rest of the doors were locked. Yes, I was locked out of my car and it was still running! The best part? I was in the heart of Ron Claire. Yup, right across from the Super Grocery. Totally a safe neighborhood to be standing outside as a woman at 5:42am. YIKES!!!! I'm so grateful I had my cell phone. Erin graciously came and let me hop in her car while we waited for AAA to come and unlock my car for me.

After waiting 43 minutes for a company that was supposed to be there in 30 minutes we called AAA again. Only to find out that the locksmith company NEVER WOKE UP to the call. Oye oye. So, they called again and jostled the guy awake and promised us service within 30 minutes. Now it's 7 o'clock.... we were supposed to be an hour into our long run at this point. We called Amanda and had a hilarious discussion while we waited (she didn't dig the idea of going to Holes and bringing us doughnuts instead of running 16 miles...). Of course this happened on the ONE Saturday that both Erin and Amanda had PACKED Saturdays and both had to be home by a certain time. GEEEEEZ. So... when the dude finally showed up this is what Erin and I got to see...

this is the unmarked Van he showed up in, totally professional.

This is him breaking into my car in his unabomber outfit, reeking of alcohol with his hoodie and sunglasses.

this is me signing the papers and erin taking the pic incognito to send to Amanda as proof that the Drunk (and pissed off-that-we-woke-him-up) Unabomber was the one who "saved" us from the dilema.

Oh what a funny morning. So, by the time we got to Amanda's it was about 8 o'clock. Yup. We were supposed to be about 12 miles into our run by then. Sigh. AND we didn't have water or gatorade laid out so we STILL had to take our running belts. The best laid plans, blast!!!!
It was a hilarious and annoying beginning to our morning. Erin, I had such a blast with you kicking away for two hours in your Malibu. I will never look at the Grocery Store the same way. (nor will I go potty there....) I quite enjoyed our reasoning as to why this unfortunate crisis occured (as sacreligious as they were....) and although I won't share them with the masses (I can see the pitch forks and holy water now) I DO want you to send me a note from hell. It will make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Or maybe just warm... or really really hot. ;) (------> that's me really excited that I'm back in my car)
I'll leave it to Amanda to actually blog about our RUN. hahaha. All I have to say about it is the most RANDOM things occured on this run. But, I loved it. It's the first long run in months that I haven't been discouraged. I loved running the parkway, it got me completely psyched for the marathon. I'm just going to enjoy myself and have a good time. Thanks ladies for making this far! It's been a long journey but one that I will never forget!!!!


Amanda said...

LOL!!!!! The story is not even new to me but it made me giggle all over again. What a run...:D

Erin said...

Even being a eye witness to our lock smith...makes me laugh still! This is why we run together instead of alone:)

Lori said...

soooo true. i think i might have ran to my mom's house if i had been alone. screw the car! run away, run away! who cares if the nearest house you know is 6 miles away!!!!!

KatBouska said...

Sometimes a good laugh is all you need...that's why I don't run...I just try harder to laugh a lot.