Tuesday, September 30, 2008

...and this little piggy...

Oh running friends. What a sad day. But, before I unfold the story of today, I must flip back our calendars to last Saturday, the marathon, and start there.

I had made a poor choice of buying new shoes for the marathon. When did you buy them Lori? Oh, the day before the marathon. My sad pathetic running shoes were about 60 miles overdue and my shins were starting to feel it. I had planned on getting them before my NC trip, but I never did... of course I put it off til ... oh 18 hours before the marathon! GRRR. The running store guy said since it was the same brand, my feet were used to it, etc etc etc it should be okay. Running on newer shoes is better than running with no support. (so the articles say) Marathon came and went and I kept mentioning to Amanda how my foot hurt. Maybe I just wore my shoes too tight and they were bruised. Or my feet just hurt, I DID just run 26 miles. I went on my merry way...

Because I'm a runner and we're a funny and strange breed, I never thought another second about the pain in my foot. I lifted weights, ran (a lot), did all sorts of crazy exercises at BASICS that made my foot HUUUURT. I just kept thinking "it's probably just a bruise." Then on Saturday I mentioned to Van that I think I really bruised my foot, he looked at it and just hung his head as he shook it in disbelief. He made me hold my feet up together and pointed out how the inside of my right foot from my joint to my arch was about three times the size of my left foot. Oh. "I really think you should get it checked out, Lor." Okay, hon. On the check list. Nope. Went to BASICS again on Monday, did squats, lunges, ran, and did 100 calf raises, on my FOOT. (those hurt) While I was doing the calf raises I thought "hmmm, should you be doing this?" But because I'm INSANE I just kept doing them.

Shoot to this morning, Amanda and I did a tempo run... which went really really well. I'll leave her to tell you about the actual workout, but towards the end of the run I was slowing down quite a bit and my foot was starting to KILL. The minute we got to Manda's house my shoe was off and I was whining. Amanda, once again, told me I should get it checked out. (She and Van are apparently in cahoots about my foot) I said "yah yah" and went home. Well, after about an hour and a half I couldn't put pressure on the ball of my foot anymore and each step up and down the stairs produced some wellage in my eyes. Dang it.

I went to the doc and this is what they found out from the x-ray. I fractured the medial cuneiform bone, right where it meets with the metatarsal bone. Translation: the ball joint of your big toe? That big round thing that sticks out? That's broken. Which would explain why it's purple and swollen down to my arch. So I get to sport this lovely shoe for the next 4 weeks:

(baby not included)

I'm waaay excited. Especially since that means NO running, NO impact sports period for at least 3 weeks. I can still lift weights as long as my foot is stationary. I can ride a bike all I want. (grumble grumble... good for triathlon training grumble..) I go back in to the doc in 3.5 weeks, if things haven't cleared up it's a full calf boot for me which equals more NO running, NO impact sports and a very bummed out Lori. Yippee.

I realize 3-4 weeks is nothing in the long haul... but....Pfffffffttttt!!!!!


Erin said...

Crappy day friend! Just think how strong your upper boby can get in 3-4 weeks...you make me laugh yes you do!

Martha said...

How sad! :( That stinks! I hope you can find other things to do for an "out." Take care, my friend.

Mel said...

I'm so sorry! I hope your out of that boot as soon as possible.

Kristin said...

That is such a bummer. It is so hard to HAVE to stop running. I feel for you!! Heal quickly. . . .

Trina Taylor said...
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Trina Taylor said...

Oh Lori, I am soooo sorry. I really feel your pain. Those boots bite! Best of luck to you. I hope you have a speedy recovery. It is amazing the amount of pain crazy runners are willing to put themselves through!