4:45 am *blaring beep* ugh...arrrrgh.... 10 more minutes.......
5:07 am CRAP. i really need to get out of bed
hurredily ran around the house grabbing all the swimming essentials and get dressed for spin class.
5:21 am yesss i rock, totally here early. what? only 3 spots left in the class? for. the. love.
5:23am get settled into my warm-up
5:45am is this done yet? my legs are gonna fall off
5:56am you want me to do WHAT? for how long? at WHAT resistance?
6:10am please, please, please make it stop. what? sprints??? nooooooo
6:11 am it's only been a minute of sprinting? can't. breathe. properly.
6:16am oh thank goodness spin is over.
6:18am stretching feels sooooo good.
6:30am dagnabit i forgot my baby powder again! hair. splitting. ouch. cap. ow. my eyes. arrrrghhhh. okay, whew, the cap is on my head, i repeat, the cap is on my head.
6:38am this is great. only two swimmers in the pool.
6:40am what the heck? 8 swimmers in a 4 lane pool?
6:45am okay, this is ridiculous two ladies are doing water aerobics, during LAP TIME in between lanes. don't be mean lori... don't be mean lori.
6:46am seriously? i have to swim AROUND you because you're a rather large lady! grrr. don't be mean lori. don't be mean.
6:48am if i just got really close maybe i could "accidently" kick her. no lor, be nice.
6:50am what? someone else wants to try and squish in? what are we sardines?
6:55am okay. i'm done. no more "accidental" feels by any. one. else. this morning. creeps.
yup. what a thrilling morning. these ladies took up one lane and half of the middle lane... and sometimes ended up on my blue line. i wouldn't know until i was basically running into her butt and had to quickly swim around her. arrrgh. what's the etiquette? do i show them the swim schedule and say "ummm this time is reserved for lap swimming? so move. it.?" or do i just do what i did and be passive and get frustrated. thoughts?
20 bonus points for me though, that workout kicked my butt this morning. i was WAY proud of myself. A) for waking up B) for pushing myself. so here's me patting myself on the back: pat. pat.
I am impressed you have done all that this morning! I would say- you should say something, but I know I never would. I would probably end up kicking them :)
i know, huh. i have all these great ideas of being assertive and telling them i need a lane. but.. nope.. just left in a huff. maybe i was just uber jealous of their super cool moves.
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