Hey Ladies.
I hope your Turkey Runs went well. For my Thanksgiving Run I decided to get as close to Utah as humanly possible here in Georgia. How's that? By running the only mountain around. It felt so good to push up a mountain again. Very different from our Utah mountains, I was running on pure granite, but I didn't care.
There were parts that got so steep I couldn't run, I had to power walk, it was kickin my butt.
But it was sooo worth being at the top.
I sat at the top and said a prayer of thanksgiving for you two, for my family, for my friends, for everything I've been blessed with. And really, what top of the mountain run wouldn't be complete without a few tears? Luckily there weren't any Asian tourists at the top this time to share in the moment with me. ha. I was so lucky to have you as running partners. I hope you two know the influence you had and continue to have in my life. I missed you yesterday. But I was so thankful for the opportunity to run, to sit on a mountain, and realize how much I've been blessed with.
The run down the mountain was entertaining. I probably shouldn't have run down it. A bunch of rocks? Yah, probably not the best idea. Don't worry I only fell once. Heh heh.