Would you dedicate your long run this Saturday to Erin?
Would you just think of her, pray for her, send good vibes to her doctors and her body, or even just sprint 400 meters for her?
Would you just think of her, pray for her, send good vibes to her doctors and her body, or even just sprint 400 meters for her?
Running has been my friend, and has brought me some of the best friends a girl could ask for. It has taught me a lot about myself and about life. Running listens to me, and makes me move at a pace where I can listen to myself as well. When its just the two of us on a cold dark morning I know I can count on running to help me work out my thoughts. Oh how grateful I am for running in my world! -Erin 2010
At this point that's all we can do - take it out on the streets and pound out the pavement, each step hopefully sending enough good will to help this thing turn around.