My 11 miler today was full of hills. Not the cute rolling hills, but long stretches of massive inclines. One after another after another. I purposefully made the course hard because it was my last double digit run before my thanksgiving half marathon. Well, around mile 9 I started running up a street I never had before. I'd driven it, yes, but y'all know incline is totally different on foot. I turned a corner, realized it was yet ANOTHER crazy long hill. I stopped. Looked at the hill. Shook my head and shouted
then, I strapped on my Erin-hills-are-fun-mojo and ran up that sucker.
Cussing AND running hills, I truly channeled you today, my friend.
How is Erin doing! I have this blog on reader so that I can see your amazing work and I follow Loris and Amandas blog!
Good for you! I am so very proud of you hills and cussing are two of my favorite things :) Kara I am going good- not running hills by any means but I can walk up stairs carrying a load of laundry :)
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