Ladies it's time. We need a new work out that we can all participate in...pregnant, or not pregnant, motivated or not motivate, tired or...who am I kidding? We're always tired. But one way or another we can all do this exercise in our own homes. It's going to take years off girls! A renound plastic surgeon in San Francisco said so...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Half Marathon in TWO WEEKS! Triathlon in FOUR!
Hey friends. Well it's hit that "now or never" point in my training... errr...thinking. My training has taken a significant hit the last few months. For as excited as I am to move across the country I think I'm in denial about how sad I am. I went on my final long run from my cute house in Ogden on Saturday and it was soooo sad for me. Amanda and I ran the Bonneville Shoreline, it was a gorgeous day. I wish Amanda and I felt better, we both were fighting our bodies, but it was still worth making the effort for our 10 miler. It was finally warm enough to wear short sleeves, but cold enough that the wind felt great. I was so bummed as I ran down the foothill to my house for the last time. I know I'll still run the trails for the next two months, I just won't be able to step out my front door and in 3 minutes be at the base of the trails I've come to love so much. Nor will I be 6 minutes from my bff and running partner. Ahhh sometimes changes suck. So, I am now fully embracing the fact that I'm sad and that it has negatively effected my training.
It HAS been fun to be in denial, eating everything in sight, and just sleeping. BUT I've only got two weeks to make it up for the half --not much-- but right now I can squeeze in 6 miles without it totally kicking my rear. I figure I can do the half. I'm glad we have another half marathon scheduled for May or I'd feel like I was "going out" on a bad note for Utah racing. As far as my triathlon training, I actually feel quite confident in my swimming ability, it's taken off in the last month. My running doesn't scare me, maybe I'm over confident with that... but it's the biking... the dreaded biking that looms like this scary little monster. Now that I live up in the valley with miles and miles and miles of farm land and horses (okay.. there ARE cars, but like 80% less than Ogden) I can really hit the road and practice road biking. The spin classes have been good for me to build a base and I just need to get out and hit the road. My focus the last two months has been on swimming so for the next month I'm focusing on biking. Here's to hoping!!!
.....and I'm starting to get that itch. It always happens every. blasted. year. the dang I-want-to-run-another-marathon-itch. There is a marathon in Atlanta in November. I'm thinking about it. Marathons take so much time and effort: physically, mentally, and they are very time intensive. for the training. Could I do it with Van in school? Would I have the will-power to train by myself?
what to do.... what to do.....
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Two days down....
Monday I had a gut busting swim workout.
Today I had a decent 3 miler.
Tomorrow I'm planning on riding the bike down to the gym, lifting, and riding back.
I'm back ladies... I think.... I hope.... how have your first two days gone?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This Weeks Meeting
Hi, my name is Lori and I'm an exercise quitter for the first time in my life. I stopped exercising daily approximately 10 days ago. I've tried exercising three times since then and I usually am able to talk myself out of it (or we've half-cracked it.... a 4 mile run? naah lets do a 2 mile walk). Finding justification has been simple with all that's going on in my life. I can't deny that the sleep has felt nice. I can't remember when I've had so many nights of 7-8 hours of sleep. However, this action has created quite the negative impact otherwise: I'm more tired, feel crappy, find myself losing my motivation, and miss hanging out with Amanda at the butt-crack of the morning.
I now call this meeting to order. All of us exercise quitters... and exercise blog quitters.... need to band together and overcome the funk. Ready? I am. Who else is in?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Pretty sure this is Amanda every night/morning
If I could tape Amanda sleeping/waking up this is what it would be:
tee hee hee.
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