Friday, February 26, 2010

New Fun Thing

Hey all our faithful readers (you know, Carla and Megan).  Just wanted you to know that I'm going to be writing bi-weekly columns right here about running and exercise.  If you have any specific topic you want discussed or explored, let me know.  I'd love some topic ideas to get my writer brain going.

I'll leave a quick post here on Tres Amigas every time I post, there.  Or you can click on the "subscribe" button on my page and you can get my articles in your email.  The first (and currently, only) article is Atlanta-centric since it's my first column representing metro Atlanta.  They won't all be Atlanta-centric.

As far as ME: I'm finally getting back in my running groove again.  Ragnar training started last Monday and I'm doing alright. My legs are learning to hate me again, which is a good thing.  No pain no gain!  Tomorrow I tackle 5.5 miles on a very hilly course.  Wish me luck!


Megan said...

I will be thinking of some topics in which you can share your expertise. I would seriously love that. But look at you - how cool is that new gig?!

Domestic Goddess and her Hero said...

I have one for ya. I need to do some exercises that don't require running or biking. I hurt my IT band and a tendon in my foot. My body is totally sabotaging me. My mind is pretty ticked off right now. I'm jealous of the run you had today. How was it? I bet you rocked the hills. I will totally be reading what you have to say. Amanda and I try out the boot camps you send us. Loads of fun. and hurt, pain, sweat, tears, laughter, crying, grunting, "come on you can finish it". Love them. I'm sure you'll have more wonderful ideas that will do nothing but help.
I haven't seen you with hair that long, I think it's so cute.