Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ladies lets run

Lets 10k it first! The Saturdays in March are 6,13,20,and 27- which one works best for the two of you? I can do any day but the 13th (Amanda you'll also be unavailable that day for an independent 10k because you and I will be trail running:) Want to join us Lor? I will be in Ogden the entire week 7th-14th (parents are cruising, and Dall needs a check in sista).
Next, we all need to think about a special path to run...umm. Then pick a time and of course document times, pictures and life lessons, you know all then things we normally would have shared together.

Input. Questions. Love ya!


Lori said...

My votes are for March 6th and 27th. Van's surgery is on the 9th so I'm out that weekend and the next.

So, although I WOULD love to come join you on the 13th I'll be taking care of my ailing husband at that moment in time.

Amanda said...

Let's do it the 6th, because by the time the 27th rolls around, I should be doing like 10 miles. Ogden half baby. Woot, woot!