Monday, June 30, 2008

Ogden's Hidden Trails...

Okay, they may not be hidden, but they were hidden from ME. I went running with SueAnn this morning (which, btw, went better than I thought... she's a swell individual) and she took me a different way up the Ogden trails, through the golf course, and over to another trail by St. Joseph's high school on Lark Street. Before I knew it we'd been running for almost an hour. Insane. I'm excited to run it with you guys! She's going to show me some other cool trails, too. All I know about Ogden's trails are what you two have showed me. I'm psyched to learn more! And a definite bonus about running with someone new... you don't want to be the pansie... so I ran HILLS, didn't walk... and still lived to tell about it. :) Maybe it's a good thing, Mand, I might actually be able to keep up with you on the hills after this summer!

I miss running with you guys, but if I have to run with someone different... at least I'm going to stack up a bunch of cool new runs for us!!! Yessssss.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

8 became 6 and 6 became 4...

...and 4 became 3 and 3 became 6! So I have been doing a wonderful job on my saturday runs. Last week I ran 7 and the week before I ran 6 and yesterday I had set the goal of running 8...its amazing how much easier it is to train without 500 pages of reading a week and 13 hour days! My only mistake yesterday morning was I didn't get up tell 6:30 and didn't make it out the door tell 6:53...I don't have any pictures to prove it (sorry). By the time I hit the road the sun was totally risen- and HOT- hot weather is the death of me and my running abilities. I hadn't even made it half a mile before the war in my head about how to cut the run shorter was in full wage...and the wrong side one- I cut my 8 mile run down to 3 miles :( when I got back, I realized there was a walking Relief Society group at 8 so I decided to do that. But only after showering and putting on a cute running outfit (lame I know...but I was going on the biggest date of my life since Tyson- I had to make a good impression, and find my a winning running partner). The walking group ending up being a jogging group so I am totally glad I went and I found me a match. We ran another 3 miles...she is fast and seems always willing to push it (this is good since I totally lack pushing it skills) we will how this relationship grows and if she calls for a second running date :). I am so glad Lori picked us out houses, because no other runners will compair to the two of you and I can't wait to be back ...tomorrow morning I will pick each of you a cow ( since that is all I have to offer here in Lehi)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Long Run? Check

Hey Ladies. Reagan is down for her morning nap, Jaylee and I are just chillin' downstairs watching "Flushed Away" so I thought I'd let you two know how my long run went this morning. What you say? You actually went on a long run, by yourself? Why, yes, friends, I did. :) I'm actually quite proud of my six miler this morning. I chose to do a nice loop through my favorite areas of Ogden. And...of course... go house hunting. :)

This is me. Proof that I went out this morning.

I found us ALL houses on Malan. Yes I did. You two seriously need to run this street with me, it's just a block east of Marilyn off of 28th. I A.DORE. these houses!!

This is Amanda's house:

Erin's house:

and my house.

and yes, there is a guy sitting on his front stoop reading the newspaper. I tried really hard to be sneaky in my picture taking abilites...but... pretty sure I was totally obvious.

Now all we have to do it convince the owners that a) they all want to sell b) they all want to sell at the SAME time and c) they want to sell these houses to three crazy ladies. Hmmmm. Do you think it's feasible?

It was a nice run. It started to get warm right about mile 5, just as I was ending...which I was grateful for. My only gripe? No matter HOW many times I run it?

THIS HILL. (taylor)

always kicks. my. butt.

Friday, June 27, 2008

....and so it begins

Tomorrow is my first long run in my TOU marathon training. Ugh. :) Tonight I am creating a list of reasons I want to train and complete this marathon. It will have a picture of my Dad and be hanging in my bedroom with the training log next to it. When I get it done, I'll email it to you guys. Don't let me quit, please. Even though right now I feel tired just thinking about running another marathon I don't want to regret this years down the line.

Here's to another marathon!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Moment of Silence

I would like us all to take a moment and mourn for my poor toe nail. After a brave battle, it finally died and came completely off. Sniff. She was a good toe nail, but just couldn't withstand the beatings of marathon training. She will be greatly missed...and I will cry every time I paint my toenails...And yet, I totally miss running, and can't wait to get back to beating up my feet. It's a strange thing this running thing does to your mind. Strange indeed.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Erin. I didn't wake up when you called me this morning. Nope.

Drat. -10 points.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Do we need to register for this

Becauase I totally want a picture on the trail :) I wasn't able to find a registration date, but I know registration is open its $35.00 bones and like previously discussed everyone is welcome to crash here the night before buses load like at 4:15-5:30...I vote for the 5:30 bus since- this is such a serious race!

The Fat DOG is the reason why no matter what I do- I can't turn my back on my Dog...I know she is chubby and slow- but how can I walk out the door to go for a run without her! Today while strechting (I know amanda- can you believe the habits I have picked up since I began running alone)Allie came up and put on her sadest puppy dog face and rested her head on my shoe- the dog is so good at getting what she wants I can't say no! Hope everything is going well in O-Town
P.S Lori today was the beginning of the next leg of your race right? Even without the speadsheet I have nailed all my goals- but am still trying to come up with a worthy reward- I am thinking higlights in my hair for school might be fun our this booking on cutting I have been wanting, what do you think?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wasatch Back Relay Wrap-Up

Yes Ladies, I did it. I am alive. Exhausted but alive. It was one of the trippiest races I've ever done, but I'm so glad I did it. Now, if only I could convince you two to do it next year? It would be out. of. control. .... uber awesome!!
Pretty much the raddest gnarliest and hardest race, ever. Loved it.

Started out Friday afternoon (I was in van #2) up in the valley. We hung out waiting for our first exchange with van #1. It was great getting to know the ladies a little bit more and eating a free "dinner" (if you call like 10 noodles and 1/4 cup of salad a dinner...but, heck it was free!) and hanging out with a live band and a BAzillion runners. BAZILLION. Our runner went and off we went!! It was CRAZY hot. HOT. Our first full exchange started in Liberty and ran until the base of Snowbasin. My leg of that run started up by the monastery, down to the highway and back up the marathon road. It was only about 3.5 miles, the distance was fine, but Holy. Hot. We were dowsing each runner with water. My run was at 6:30 at night and they would pour a bottle of water on me at each mile, by the next mile my clothes were BONE. DRY. It was crazy!!! Our leg ended well, we had some totally rockin' runners in our van, it was fun. When the 1st exchange was done, we had about 4 hours til we ran again. We hung out at the Snowbasin lodge for awhile getting FREE massages, washing our faces, changing into warmer clothing, etc. We made the unwise decision to cop out on the free Fazoli's at Snowbasin and drive ahead 36 miles to the next exchange point and get our free Fazoli's there...well... by the time we got there, walked over to the Fazoli's tent it was 11pm... and they were out of food. SAAAAAAD. We ate Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches... yummm. Now it was the time for us to figure out how to sleep. We were in a huge parking lot with all the other runners. I was a rock star and brought my air mattress, so I blew up the twin mattress, shoved it in front of the van (so i wouldn't get run over by a car) and tried to sleep. 3 of the other runners spread out in the car and the last runner wrapped up in a sleeping bag and slept on the hill behind the parking lot. It was sooooo cold so I buried into a ball inside my sleeping bag... but then i got SOOO hot. So I tried to pop my head out but there were cars EVERYWHERE, people talking, etc. I decided I just had to succumb to the noise, so I pulled my ear warmers over my eyes and tried to sleep. I finally fell asleep for about 10 minutes when my alarm went off. Time to GO! Ugh. Got up, threw everything in the car and headed up to the next exchange. We were off and running again! (it was now 1:30ish am)

The nighttime runs were really cool. We each had to wear a headlamp and reflective vest. It was really peaceful and serene. Our team ran from some random town, by Echo reservoir into a little town right before Kamas. It was gorgeous. My run ran for about 7 miles right along the Echo Reservoir. It was BEAUTIFUL. The moon was out, the stars were shining and the sky was totally clear. It was reflecting off of the water. I LOVED it. I took out my ipod and just ran to the complete silence. Even though I had only had about 40 minutes of sleep and was 100% sick to my stomach it was my favorite run. Plus, I totally rock running in the cold. We ALL do, friends, something about winter training!! Lol. So, our van cut off about 5 minutes from our pace during our night runs. It was awesome. Now, the trick once my run was done was a) not throwing up because I HAD to eat to refuel for the next day (my stomach was hating me), b) try to stretch out my legs while driving and c) get some sleep once my driving shift was over. Well, a & b happened...but sleep? uhhhhhh, no. I did fall asleep in the car for a little bit, my body just finally gave in.

Once our exchange was done we went to a sleeping area they had set up at a local middle school in Kamas. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed and passed out in my sleeping bag surrounded by 100 other exhausted runners (the room? STUNK). I got a good hour or hour and a half at that gym....when my alarm went off. Here we go, again!!!!

It was amazing how much better I felt after that rest. Problem was I needed to EAT. I needed PROTEIN. We had packed soooo many carbs that we were all dying for protein. I ended up finding someone with bacon, lol, so I ate that about 11am. Now... this stretch was the absolute HARDEST of the entire race. It was in the MIDDLE of the day, it vacillated between 93-98 degrees... we were running on crap food, no sleep, and a lot of delirium. Luckily, the girls in my van were absolutely hilarious and we all found ourselves to be the world's funniest people by the end of the race. I don't think I've had so many people burp and fart in my face in such a short period of my life. Oye. We started critiquing each runner... we were brutual.... there were some mighty FINE runners on this little relay...but there were also some peeps that needed to put on some clothes. We're MEAN. There was this ONE girl that seriously was wearing her underwear. And NOT running underwear... she obviously had had some work done and was proud. Silly silly. Anyway, we got sooo punchy. We started driving past runners and throwing water out our windows onto them. We slowed down, gave them food, whistled, got out and attacked a few... really... we were out of control by the end. My last leg was BRUTUAL. It was at 2:30 in the afternoon....HOT. We had been running with either the water belt or camelpack with the team going every .5-mile and dousing the runner with a cold bottle of water. It was insanely hot. INSANELY HOT. My leg was 3.5 miles straight up hill, up a gravel mountain road... I was sooo spent by this point that I only ran the 1st mile, I walked the rest until my right calf seized and I buckled. I tried to re-coop and start running but the best I could do was speed walk. Apparently I was dehydrated and the heat was taking its toll. They got me in the van, threw water and gatorade down my throat and gave me cold compresses. It took about 20 minutes for me to calm down and my breathing to be okay. It was a little scary, but I learned a lot about heat exhaustion and dehydration.
I don't think I'd chose to do that leg again, though. Actually, I might, I just would need to be better fueled and hydrated before I started. Other than that, it was an amazing race. :)

Our team finished up after a few more legs... and a few more insane and crazy moments involving scantily clad runners.....and ran across the finish line all together. It was awesome. The race took us a total of 29 hours. I ran about 13 miles, it took me a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes (ish) I didn't get home til 9pm and didn't get to sleep til about 11 o'clock. It was a LONG day...but super fun. It was more physically challenging than the marathon...probably because of the sleep deprivation and malnutrition-ness. Nothing is as mentally challenging as the marathon, though. I would totally do the Wasatch Back again... especially now that I know some of the tricks. Good times!! There's the race report. Fun Fun!!!!! No matter how many professional races I do, I am always surprised at HOW. MANY. blasted runners are out there! It was crazy. So many different peeps, all running, all for their own personal reasons. What a cool sport.

How were YOUR weekend workouts? ;)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

MY new friend

I met a great new friend yesterday her name was venus and she was a BIKE...I know close your running ears- Erin has a helmet! and she likes it! Dear friends, I pledge my loyalty to running- but please understand the other options I have discovered! Yesterday for Tyson's birthday we decided to rent bikes. We rode around our hood and half way around the lake going a total of 20 ONE HOUR AND THIRTY NINE MINUTES- this is why I love my new friend. We were able to see everything, but did I mention the 20 miles in 1:39....and I wasn't even sore! But to be honest with you the whole concept made me a little bitter because I know how hard it is to run 20 miles and to be able to bike it in 1:39 minutes wihtout being sore or working up to that milage was frustrating!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Our newest little running partner...Max Milton!

This pic was just too cute not to share! Thanks you two for all of your love and support this past week! You were amazing! I am truly blessed to have such great friends. Muah! Love you!

Lagging behind...with no good reason

BUT let me give you my excuses anyway- 1)I have been out of town and I'm not cool enough to have a BB 2) I lack creative writing skills 3)I am lame.... so with that said let me redeciate myself! I love this freakin blog it is a life saver it makes me accountable and I know every time I open it I am able to helps me stay in contact with you too...
Saturday I ran my six miles let me tell you its obvious I am not at sea level and it basically sucks how quickly running shape leaves you... I sucked! I was barely able to finish within a 10 minute mile and I totally walked for 30 seconds every mile, I had no get up and go..but I am totally looking forward to tomorrow morning.
I have realized I really need to do some spring cleaning with myself- so here are the area of my life that need so serious work and will be changing...
MY DIET: can we talk about how out of control it is. The next three days I will be keeping a food log to see really how bad it is- but I can tell you I NEED to get the sugar under control and obvious start eating fruits and veggies!
EXERCISE: I love running but I need to set some running goals and I am seriously going to put more effort into cross training between biking and rollerblading- so I will keep you updated as I come up with those changes...any suggestions please?
SPRITUALLY: I need to pick up the slack, my prayers need some serious work!Also I need to step up inforcing praying with Ty, and that family night thing, luckly I can be confident we are doing a good job going to the temple and paying tithing but pretty much every other area is simply a habit and lacking "cream filling"
FINANCIAL: basically we just need to stop wasting so much money...
PHYSICALLY I figure those things will fall into place as the diet, exercise, and spirtual stuff kick in,
And I am sure thats more than you ever needed to know...but I figure that type of "thinking out loud" chatter is what I would have worked through out loud with you two during a long run so there you have it! And now that I have said it all out loud I am hoping you two will set up some kind of a point system for me:)
I also just want to thank both of you- I think you both set a great example and have helped my become aware of how important it is to constantly be working to better yourself. As lame as it sounds I remember one time last year saying to tyson, "You know until I started running with Amanda and Lori I forgot (or didn't realize) I still need to be working on bettering myself and developing talents." I think ty just laughed and gave some smart response to my oblibion!

Friday, June 13, 2008

taking over...and apparently getting kidnapped

so it seems to me...... i'm taking over this blog. amanda, you're officially off the hook. erin, you're totally lagging behind, friend. unless you can cough up a better excuse than "i don't eat fruits or vegetables" you best start blogging again. ;)


i'm totally running the trails in the morning, SOLO, at 6:00. so, if you can't find me or get ahold of me after 9am, it means i've been stabbed or murdered or kidnapped... so please please send winston and wicket out to find me.


that's all. lori out.
(doesn't have the same ring to it that "secrest out" does, drat)[i bet neither of you read this til monday..and at my funeral people will say "if only they had checked tres amigas...."]

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Lone Amiga

Erin, I have so much more respect for you training for a marathon alone. Holy Cow. Working out alone? SUUUUUUCKS. I know Amanda is hanging out with you for a "good reason" but come on, now, where's my workout partner? ;)

I'm totally blogging this as a accountability thing.... my goal is to go to spinning class tomorrow morning at 5:30. Yes, that is my plan. Tune in tomorrow to find out.... if I DON'T go to spinning class I have to reveal 3 of my best kept secrets to you two in email form......

I will take a pic of me at the gym to prove my attendance....


Yes, dos amigas, I did it. It took a phone call from my sister-in-law Kim at 5:05 (yup, she actually did, she gets a gold star) to remind me to get my butt out of bed.... but I did and I got to class RIGHT as it was starting. HOLY. SWEATY. It was good, I think my legs or butt might fall off, not sure which one will go first.... Erin, remember that ONE spinning class we took at WSU? Okay, multiply that by like 5. They actually had heart rate monitors for each of you... and the workout was posted on a whiteboard with your heart rate targets.... ummm... it kicked. my. butt.


Me excited to be awake (I know you're jealous...I mean, who wouldn't be jealous at how. freaking. gorgeous. I am at 5:16 in the morning. ;) with the clock to prove that why yes, I was awake.

Getting to the gym (yup, pretty sure I look like I have a rod up my backside... that's how excited I was to be working out...)

My sly picture in the spinning room to prove I went to class. Tee hee.

Did you guys end up running?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Relay Team's First Run

This morning I had a chance to do a run with my Wasatch Back Relay Team. It was really good. Although I'm totally breezy with you two I have a really hard time getting to know new people. Add running on top of that? Can we say IN.SECURE. But, it ended up being really relaxed. We were all about the same pace, which was great. I didn't feel like the fat-loser runner...yessss! :)
The team ranges in age from 24-43. Most of the team are in their late 20's and early 30's. It's a good group of ladies, totally different personalites but enjoyable. There are 12 of us so there was bound to be someone I could chat with. I was excited to find out that the girls in my van were all sorts of chatty. Actually, one of them ended up living a block over from me and is in my ward, SCORE! I'm feeling a LOT more comfortable with being stuck in a van with 5 perfect strangers for 29 hours. Thank. Goodness.

I'm really sad you guys won't be able to do this with me. It is shaping up to be a really fun and exciting thing. I'm getting waaaaay excited. Nervous? Yes. My first run is at 6:30pm, yup, so my second run will be around 3:30am (eep!!) I'm really nervous about THAT run. It's 6.2 miles at 3:30 in the morning... eeeeeek. Fun fun!!! Running in the dark in the middle of mountain with no lights other than your headlamp. Pretty sure I can see myself concvincing myself that someone is out to get me. tee hee. Our race starts Friday at 11am and we're projected to finish between 4pm-5pm. Looooong race, but it'll be fun. I'm all about going to eat in Park City afterwards, yes yes I am.

Anyway, this morning's run was good. We only ran 3 miles (27 minutes..) and then had a meeting afterwards. Good times. How were your Saturday workouts? Or better question... how were your Saturdays without their workouts? ;)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Long Run Schedule

Yes I know. I know. I should be doing laundry or cleaning, or paying bills... something more productive than this... however, this is semi-productive... here is the tenative long run schedule for the rest of the summer. I realize for many reasons we may not be able to run these together (or not at all..) but I figure if we stay on this plan we can successfuly complete the half's in August and September and I can tackle TOU.


14th 6 miles
21st 7 miles (Lori-wasatch back)
28th 6 miles

5th 8 miles
12th 10 miles (Lori might do the Echo Tri relay)
19th 6 miles (Lori 12 miles)
(24th Desert News 10k)
26th 8 miles (Lori 14 miles)

2nd 10 miles (Lori 16 miles)
9th Provo River Half Marathon
16th 6 miles (Lori 18 miles)
23rd 8 miles (Lori 20 miles)
30th 10 miles (Lori 20 miles)

6th Huntsville Half Marathon (Lori to run 4 miles after)
13th Ogden Valley Tri Relay
20th TOU Marathon (you two will be running around shouting my name. ;)
27th 6 miles

Look good? Do you think that's a decent workup for me to do the TOU?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I am excited to spend the week running on the beach! Thought I would just let you two know....