Saturday, July 19, 2008

My 5 mile 12 miler

Yup. I overslept this morning, of course, the one Saturday of the month Van has to be to work at 9am. Grrrr. So, as I rolled out of bed and looked at the clock (7:30am? GASP!) I quickly got dressed and tried VERY hard to not crawl back into bed and just abandon the run completely. I was glad that both Amanda and Sue Ann had bailed or else I would've totally screwed up their run. So, that's my first awesome point of the morning...

  • I still went running even though my run was shot. AND
  • I still went running even though no one would ever know that I did or did not go running. :)

I got out of the house and had no idea where I was going to run. I've become converted to the trails. I sat at the edge of my driveway convincing myself that it was almost 8 o'clock and the likelihood of something bad happening by myself on the trails was very slim. So, I trucked up the street to the trailhead. I wanted to prove to myself that I could run up the hills, keep running and really push myself even when I ran alone.... something I'd been struggling with this last year quite a bit... and guess what?

  • I ran up the ENTIRE trailhead
  • I didn't stop (except to lecture cyclists up by the bridge that bikes weren't allowed on this particular trail... see that "no bikes" sign? and those STAIRS you had to carry your bikes up? yaaaaaaaah)
  • I ran the entire "old trail" we used to run up, down, up and down again.

I was so excited about it I think I ran a little too fast. Haha. I was shot by the time I got back to 36th. But, then I realized I still had a little bit more time so I ran through the side trail and over through Weber State. It was a good run. I was a little frustrated that I didn't get the mileage in that I needed, but it was such a nice run. The other best part?

  • Something about being alone in the mountains causes me to pray.

I had a nice little convo with the big guy upstairs about everything in my life right now, in your cute lives right now, my family, pretty much anything and everything that matters to me. It was a nice release. I missed you guys, but I'm really grateful I had time to myself this morning. Sigh. How were YOUR Saturdays?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Proud doesn't describe the feelings I have for you...I have you now have experienced the difficult of running alone:) If it makes you feel better I only got 5 in too..because I too slept in