Saturday, March 29, 2008
I love....

Monday, March 24, 2008
Ahhh...the joys of a long run....
Saturday's 15 miler
Next week I am coming up to run the 17 apparently I don't have the self discipline for these long runs on my own.... don't worry Lori I am still training better for this marathon then I did for the last :)
Oh P.S my cell phone drowned, I guess I forgot to teach it to swim- I am sad to report it never pulled through- Will you girls email me your phone numbers (I won't pretend to have them memorized).
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday's 15 miler...16 miler...18 miler!!????
Anyway, I had a really really hard time getting into this run. I WAS totally diggin' my nike plus (we ALL need to get them ALLLLL of us). Amanda was in a much better mood and in a much better place physically so she was totally kickin' my butt. She was super sweet, though, and she would run or walk back to where I was (sometimes like 1/4 mile back) to make sure I was doing okay.

Friday, March 21, 2008
Flashback Friday
Jaylee was about 6 months old and I was about 40 lbs overweight (deja vu anyone?). The major difference was the fact that I was completely INACTIVE. The last time I had exercised was maybe a year and a half earlier when I was running with my Dad (I will talk about that eventually when I can great through THAT post in one piece). Yup. I was at my friend Tiffany's house and we both were talking about how we wanted to get back into running. And (shockingly) I suggested we go running in the morning. She told me she had a hard time waking up in the morning (what IS it with picking running partners that hate morningtime?) so I'd have to wake her up. :) I took that as a challenge and from that moment on Tiff and I were running partners. I would drive from Harrisville to Riverdale every morning at 5 o'clock to wake her up at 5:20 so we could be running by 5:30 (does ANY of this sound familiar?). We made a goal of running the Ogden Marathon. But, first, we wanted to run a half marathon. So... we looked and decided that we could be ready for a half marathon by November. The only half we could find was in Boise, called the Zeitgeist Half Marathon. I will spare you the details of our training (cause I'm pretty sure we've chatted about this on long runs...) but least to say we didn't "stay together" on the half.
Ladies, this half was INSANE! I.N.S.A.N.E. 6 of the 13 miles were straight UP HILL!! Now, I'm sure if I went back and ran it it wouldn't seem so impossible. But, at the time I was still overweight (although I had lost 25 lbs in 3 months.... yay for hyperactive thyroid! ... i miss that... sniff sniff) and I had been running for a total of 11-12 weeks...that's it. From couch potato to half marathoner. It was a KILLER. My asthma was dying, my legs were dying and when mile 10 came around and (finalllllly) we were able to run down hill I was so tired I walked. (this was before my stellar downhill training with Miss Manda) My first half marathon time? Get ready.... it's really slow..... get excited.....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
An Uphill Battle
P.S WHY in the 'LL are we running 2x20 milers...no one told me this! I want to speak with the management!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Training Plan
So, I figured since you asked...ummm, over two weeks ago... to post our training plan, I'd actually get around to it.
Monday's: Cross Train (we usually do cardio and weight training)
Tuesday's: Speed Training or Hills
Wednesday's: OFF
Thursday's: Tempo Run
Friday's: Cross Train
Saturday's: Long Run
Speed Training: (you know the drill on these)
intervals (400, 800) and fartlicks...
Amanda has a great hill program. Start with a mile warm-up. Then sprint up the hill, walk down, do this 4 times. THEN (and this is when you start to cry) your first set begins. It looks like this:
- sprint up the hill facing forward, walk down (4 times)
- sprint up the hill facing backwards, walk down (4 times)
- sprint up the hill on your left side (grapevine) (4 times)
- spring up the hill on your right side (grapevine) (4 times)
lather, rinse, repeat (i think the max we've done was 3 times) and then technically you're supposed to do a mile cool down... also depends on your time.
Tempo Run:
Amanda and I still struggle with doing tempo runs outside because we're still learning to listen to our bodies where pace is concerned. But, since you have your uber-awesome GPS watch you might be able to take this workout outside. However, this is how we do it. (or how it SHOULD be done... we've been sick so I don't think we've actually done a complete tempo run workout yet) We do this on a treadmill, so we know the exact pace we're going and it pushes us to continue....
Mile 1- warm up at a 9 min/mile or 10 min/mile pace
Mile 2 - run a mile at 8 min/mile pace
Mile 3 - run a mile (or usually 4 minutes...haha...) at 7:30 min/mile
Mile 4 - run a 9 min mile
Cool down
Long Runs:
This is the schedule of long runs until the Ogden Marathon.
- March 22 - 15 miles (ogden)
- March 29 - 17 miles (valley)
- April 5 - WRC Half Marathon
- April 12 - 20 miles (ogden?)
- April 19 - 16 miles (valley)
- April 26 - 20 miles (your house? provo?)
- May 3 - 16 miles (valley)
- May 10 - 10 miles (ogden)
- May 17 - Marathon
Hope that helps, friend!
WRC 10 Miles from HELL
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Portland: Through my BB eyes and my Brooks feet

So, then came the funny/scary part of my run. I thought I had been pretty good about not freaking out. I had run the entire south end of the parkway and turned around and gone northbound. Well, the farther north you got the shadier the parkway became. I just noticed little things like...under each underpass there were peeps dealing drugs or just in the general not looking like a crowd I'd stop and ask directions for. It heightened when I ran under the next bridge. Apparently, this was the make shift apartment complex for all of Portland's homeless. Yaaaaah. I kinda tripped out in my mind. I was running in nice clothes and had my little ipod on.... and at this point the runners had sifted down to a runner every 1/4 of a mile or so... so I wasn't surrounded by numbers. I ran through there acting like I totally wasn't affected (hahahaha...yah, right) and kept running. Well, as I was running I kept thinking "I have to run back under that bridge to get back... what do I do?" and I looked around and realized that I was in "Chinatown" yaaah...smoooooth Lori. So, I kept jogging and kinda slowed down and waited for more runners to just pop out of the woodworks. Strength in numbers, right? Well... I had started running again and a man-runner ran past me, so I did a nice little u-turn and followed him. Apparently, I had on my "scary Lori" face that day....or the guy was gay and afraid of me...who knows.... he looked back at me when I started to follow him like I was a serial killer. He started SPRINTING! All I wanted was someone to run under that bridge with! So, I sprinted after him. Tee hee.... ohhhh.... poor guy. Yup, we made it under the bridge together and about 1 minute after we cleared the bridge I had to stop cause I was laughing so hard. Little did he know that I was the most non-scary-runner ever to run that parkway. Ooooh... fun fun.
(that's the best pic i could get of him cause we were SPRINTING... see the bridge underpass coming up? That's it!)
It was about this point that I got REALLY HOT! (whether it was the 3 minute sprint or the amazing Oregon weather....) I stripped down to my cute new Nike tank. ;) Peeps were looking at me like I was nuts. They had hoodies, gloves, jackets, etc.... umm... obviously they never trained in sub-zero weather. It felt AWESOME. After the parkway, I ran back up through downtown to get back to my hotel. I'll spare you the details, but I got a little lost. It started with "ooooh I should get a picture of ______ for Amanda" so I tried to find it and uhhhh.... then my adventure started. :) Nonetheless, I knew what street my hotel was on, so even though I went 6 blocks too far south and 3 blocks too far east I eventually found it. Here are some highlights from the rest of the run.....
Niketown and a really cool park.... can't remember the name....
Their "world trade center" in Portland. The main financial hub of downtown. It's a gorgeous building!!
Me in Pioneer Courthouse Plaza really excited... cause I recognized it! It meant I wasn't totally lost anymore!! Wahoo!!!
YAY! The hotel!! I had to run up 5 blocks of uphill to get there and you know what? I didn't even feel bad. Seriously, sign me up for some bottled Portland Potion..... I LOVE IT HERE!
I was so energized by that awesome run that I didn't even care that I still had to run 2 miles in the sweatroom. (and yes, you can see by my lovely forehead that it is--in fact--and appropriately so-- the sweat room)
It was an awesome 8 miles. I would run it again in a heart beat. It made me all excited about the day that Van and I live in Oregon. My lungs with LOVE it here. The only thing that would have made this run any better was if I could have run it with you two..... allll together now....
how was the 10 miler?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
sound bite
Thursday, March 13, 2008
tempo run on vacay
I am now looking like I just stepped out of the shower and smell like I rolled around in cow dung. Yes, I. WAS. HOT.
I think this workout totally justifies me eating the entire bag of mini eggs that are sitting on our hotel table, yes yes I do. Now, for the hard part... Running 8 miles BY MYSELF in the sweat room on Saturday morning. KILL. ME. NOW. Van thinks I should usatf it and run around portland.They have a gorgeous parkway path that runs along the Willammette, van took me there last night. There were runners everywhere. My inner freak out chick just keeps thinking about the worst case scenario. What do you think? Should I run around town and just pray a) I don't get lost b) don't get killed and c) don't go into every open house available :)
And, yes, i'm blogging from my phone. Yes, I realize I'm addicted. Sue me. ;)
Monday, March 10, 2008
New Shoes
The weather was beautiful for a run. Although I was sweating like a pig. That is something that has definitely not happened in a while. I am totally all about Lori's reasons that it didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I was already tire by the time we got to running. I'm not used to running after already having a full day. I think that did impact my running. I am excited that we have more time to do better! Yeah! And Erin I don't know what you're saying about the 10 miler. With the way you were running last week you will kick my butt! I guess we shall see on Saturday!
To sum it up, the 8 mile 14 miler sucked.
YEAH 8 Miles Further than I have been

So Lori this picture is for you babe-I hate when you feel like this inside and out!And it sounds like you did!
I think my experience was so different because I was totally fueled by you two... being away sucks! Running alone sucks! So I totally think having you guys there,and being home was enough fuel for me to ran a full marathon:) END OF STORY!!!
I loved that run and was sad I was out of time- the air was perfect-I loved the breeze I truly love that Glassman neighbor thats the neighbor Tyson grew up in and I have so many fun memories of dating and hanging out at people's houses all along there. The view on skyline was gorgeous and how can you not love your first run in a new pair of shoes!
The thing I love about long runs is the ground your able to cover. It's kind of silly but once I have ran on a road there is apart of me the totally feels like I owen it. Just think you can never drive up or down Glassman with out saying "Ya I have ran up the uphill side and down the downhill side"
At the risk of sounding too "POSITIVE" I probably should be done! One last quick thing (Sorry Amanda)
BUT HELL YA we are training for a marathon!
I really like the new game plan of the 9 to 1 and am excited to get there. I think mentally the walk run thing works with me! This week I am really going to work hard I am nervous for the 10 miler on Saturday :)I just hope I can run if we only did 8 on Saturday I am in trouble I haven't gone ten miles since last years 1/2 (Amanda don't worry I won't even set the goal of keeping up with you- I have learned my lesson there) but I also am super excited- thanks LORI!
Well Ladies I have to get back to writing a paper about therapy models... such a good time at 2 o'clock in the morning :) Have a great workout in 3 hours I will be thinking of you and wishing I could be there.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Today's 14 miler... errrrr.... 8 miler
The beginning of the run was a struggle for me. I was SOOOO hot. I haven't been hot whilst running in ages, so the dripping sweat took a minute to get used to. My legs were like lead. It wasn't until we hit the downhill part of Glassman that I thought "oh, okay, here are my running legs..." then we hit the UPHILL part of Glassman and my legs left me again. The only times that I felt "decent" on the run were when we were running 89 to Old Post, on Old Post and on Skyline. (I'm sure it also had to do with the incline...or lack thereof) I was in love with the weather change on 89. By the time we got to Polk I finally felt decent, albeit nauseous, but if we hadn't have stopped I'm sure I could've kept going. Overall the run was just physically and mentally tolling. Here is my rationale as to why.....
- Usually running is one of the first things I do in the morning. I'm not used to having a busy day and then running at 2pm, let alone running 14 (uhhhh... 8). I wonder if my body was just to spent already.
- Psychologically it was different for me. It wasn't dark, there were a TON of people, cars, movement. I'm used to a pretty relaxed run with not a lot of bustling. Hmmmm.
- I had had a bussssy day up to that point. I was already tired.
- Eating pizza the night before and then having cheesecake right before the run MIGHT not have been my best choices for "fuel".... just a thought.
The only thing that isn't making me completely frustrated with this run today is that we still have 10 weeks before the marathon. Which means we still have 8 LONG runs left....plenty of time to make up for the sorry excuse for a long run today. Yes, yes. How about you guys? Erin--you did AWESOME. Amanda and I were amazed at how much you pulled out. Especially since you haven't been training like crazy. Seriously, way to go. No matter what I do, I swear I will always be slower than you two... GRRRRRR. :)
Onward and upward ladies, 10 miles next week!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
All I have to say....
goodbye quads
goodbye butt cheeks
goodbye feeling in my left shin
goodbye lungs
hello pain
hello shortness of breath
hello silent cursing in my head
hello 9am nap....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Reflection on Marathons

SO I realize it is 4:45 in the morning and I have been up all night working so my brain is in fact only half working. But I have finished my journal and have been reflecting back. I started it the day I took my endowments out and it covers everything from my wedding tell now... I just read the part about finishing the top of Utah marathon and I wanted to post what I wrote- I am really struggling actually running right now- my excuses seems so good to myself when no one is there to push me so hopefully this will help.
Here is what I wrote....
I am a marathon runner! You heard me I am a marathon runner! All the training has been put into action- Surprisingly it all went very well. Here is what I learned from it. YOU TRAIN TO BE WHAT YOU ARE. While I was training I was OK with 5 miles instead of 7 or to run 14 and walking two for a "cool down" and so thats how I ran my marathon. However I wouldn't trade the experience for the world I am so grateful for a healthy body- which I have come to love as it is and I want to take care of it.
For my next marathon I want to set the goal not to walk a single step in the actually marathon and training... this means I will need to complete the trainings as well and push myself pass that wall- In fact for this next marathon I am not even going to refer to it as a wall.. but a gate! A gate that opens for me to finish the way I want to! Since I have started running with Lori and Amanda I know I will be able to do it- they are great runners I am lucky they let me run with them.
At the very end of the marathon there was a man yelling, "You have put your bodies through lots of suffering- don't stop now! Finish Strong!I will train strong so I can finish strong this next time! Life couldn't be better
What a slap in the face I have totally been a slacker but that changes tomorrow (today)! What were your guys feelings after the Ogden Marathon in 05? What are your goals for this race?
Saturday, March 1, 2008
WRC 10k
WRC 10k

Manda tried to talk me out of running it today because I was so sick. But, being the stubborn runner I am (and the fact that I shelled out some serious $$$ for the WRC series) I decided to run it.
The first mile was decent...uphill, but decent. I had to stop at mile 1 and fix my shin splint tape. I guess that's a good sign, meaning my shin splints are getting a little bit better. I was able to run the entire mile 1-mile 2. The hill up Polk caused me to walk for about 4 minutes. Yikes?! There was a lady with blonde hair that I was determined to beat...and about this point she made some serious strides ahead of me. From the top of Polk to the mile 3 mark was a breeze (i freakin' LOVE downhill) the next mile was a lot of walk/run/walk/run. I kept toggling that blonde chick and it was driving me nuts. However, once we hit Tyler I decided to push it for as long as my body would ---before I started to heave--- and I PASSED the blonde haired chick! (and she never caught back up....Wahoo!!) About 4 minutes later I started walking because I felt that nice little acidic throw up in the back of my throat. The run up 36th street and skyline basically handed my butt to me on a silver platter... when I passed my house I had some serious thoughts about just quitting and sitting on my couch. :) But, I decided I was this far I could keep going. I don't even want to know how long that last mile took. I barely had enough energy to run. I decided once Skyline curved downhill that I just had to run... I couldn't be that pansie that walked across the finish line. So, I tried my hardest to push it. Amanda was waiting at the Dee Events Center and asked me how I wa