Thursday, November 27, 2008

Boo-ya Thanksgiving Challenge Complete!

5 miler ---errr--- 3.92 miler this morning.

nummy nummy thanksgiving dinner and nummy nummy pie.

4 mile brisk walk with the sisters-in-law.

WHEW. Boo ya. I'm all about it. Not only did I get to eat pie without remorse, but the walk actually woke me up and made my tummy feel better. Let alone my lungs!

Did you finish your challenge?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Don't underestimate the power of stretching

On monday I went into to front office to gather my schedule and charts for the patients I was going to be seeing. On the top of my patient files was a Fit Pregnancy magazine, I laughed and asked the sectaries if they were trying to drop a hint! Needless to say I have enjoyed reading it. I have been wanting to find more information on stretching and what stretching to do, and behold on page 22 was a little right up on how stretching can prevent preeclampsia and other unwanted stress on the body during pregnancy. A study done at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted a little study, and found stretching to be just as beneficial as walking, and in some ways more healthy for the mom and baby. So with the winter days ahead. Don't feel bad if taking a stroll, jog or braving it by driving to the gym is going to happen take time to STRETCH! Check out Fit Pregnancy online for other ideas


Monday, November 24, 2008

Week Three Wrap-Up

Alright. Folks. Apparently me and sodium? Not such good friends. I spent all weekend footballed out eating chips left and right. So... the weigh in this morning? I GAINED 4 lbs. Eeep! Another week, another week.... another week.... right? RIGHT!?!?!? (and uhhh kick the sodium...)

The best thing from this last week was Amanda and I's 5 miler on Saturday. It was GORGEOUS. I love this late fall. The weather was perfect. We went running about 11am. WSU was playing music for the football game so as we were running the foothills above campus we had our own running mix. It was awesome. My hams were dead by the time we were done, but running cleanses my soul, especially running the trails. I want to run them every week until we can't run them any longer. What say you? If anyone is up for a trail run let us know, we'd love to meet you!!

This weeks workout schedule:

Monday: Basics
Tuesday: 3 miler
Wednesday: Basics
Thursday: 5 mile Turkey Trot/ 3 mile walk after dinner
Friday: Kickboxing video
Saturday: Golds Gym

When I was meeting with a nutritionist she gave me a challenge to do a double workout on Thanksgiving so I could eat pie without remorse. I extend that challenge to all of you! Workout out for at least an hour in the morning and 30-60 minutes after dinner... then you can have pie! YAY!!!!

  • Double Workout on Thanksgiving
  • 64 oz of water daily
  • no carbs with dinner

Friday, November 21, 2008


Hey girls I realize its almost a week late, but Ty went out of town this week and took the power cord. So although I had a computer and internet I had no way to use it because the lap top was dead and we haven't yet set up wireless on the desk top (I can assure you it will be done this weekend though) It's crazy to realize how much your life depends on this thing we call the internet! BUT I wanted to thank you both for the great run Saturday- how I love the trails, although they kick my butt they sooth me soul :)

Pump it Up!

So like Lori my week has been a little crazier than usual- so I apologize for the lat post! I am so excited to report I have had four good days in a row :) this is an all time record for me...hopefully tomorrow will make five! Unfortunately school always puts a damper on exercising and now that I am away from Amanda and Lori and getting up at 5:30 just doesn't happen on my own. But I have been able to get my workouts in, as long as I make it to power pump tomorrow at the gym. One of my best friends from high school teaches several class for Gold's and after having a long talk with her about how I have the hardest time lifting alone because I feel self conscious and never know what to do or if I am doing it right. She told me to go to the Power Pump (or Body Pump depending on which Golds you go to). She sent me all the information I needed to know about being pregnant- the brochure can be picked up at any front desk. It totally kicked my butt but let me tell you how good it feels to be sore and know my muscles are working!

Just some tips to remember- resistant training when approved by your Doctor for you fitness level can be a great way to help your body stay strong and support your growing belly during pregnancy and help make labor easier (if that is possible). However there are important things to keep in mind like: (1)Making sure you've given yourself a stronger base of support by standing with your feet slightly wider apart to allow for your new center of gravity. (2) The pregnancy hormone relaxin is acting to soften all your connective tissue, so don't put strain on your joints by using excessive RCM. (3) Keep the trunk of your body upright- don't lean back. Engage the ads to support the pelvis and avoid over-extending the lower back.

Good luck see you all next week!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week Two Wrap Up.... Two Days Late

Okay, I'm a slacker, apparently. Monday was insane and yesterday we had house showings so my computer wasn't readily available. Here's the week two recap.

Weigh in: I've lost a measly .5 lbs. HOWEVER when I went shopping yesterday I could fit back into a size 10 jean! Woo woo! It's been over a year and a half since I've been able to do that. So, basics and my eating habits are showing up elsewhere, even if it's not on the scale. Gotta remember that muscle replaces fat... but that's still discouraging on the scale. Any of you ever feel that way?

Basics: HOLY COW. I've never been soooo sore in my life! Yup. NEVER.

Favorite Workout of the Week: Running with my ladies on Saturday morning. The Tres Amigas haven't been together for a long run since July? It was fabulous. Even pregnant Erin did awesome keeping up on the you-think-you're-in-shape-til-you-run-them trails. I'm grateful we had another nice Saturday that we could do more trail running. Trail running in November? SA-WEET!

Second Favorite Workout of the Week: When Amanda's husband had to leave for work before we could make it to the gym and we converted mops, brooms, and furniture into our gym. Oh yes yes we did. I'm going to write out the workout and take pictures of what we did by Friday. Get excited. You literally can workout ANYWHERE and ANYTIME and it can kick. your. butt.

Workout schedule this week:

Monday: Basics (where they introduced a new machine that made my abs scream "I hate you for life!")
Tuesday: Was supposed to go running with Amanda but we were hosers and talked ourselves back into our beds. Silly kids that don't want to sleep for us.
Wednesday: Basics, where I got to try the Woodway for the first time.
Thursday: Class at Golds
Friday: Maintenance 3 miler and abs
Saturday: 6 mile trail run with Amanda/ lifting at Golds

Goals for the week:
  • Drink 64 oz of water daily
  • Don't eat after 9 pm
  • No Fast Food, period.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Need For Speed

When I'm upset or angry usually the first thing I want to do is go for a hard run. I want to run away from all of the things that are upsetting me, and just have a minute to clear my thoughts. When I run hard it seems that everything else in life falls away; it's just me and my thoughts and nature. It's so cleansing. I however do not always have that emotion to fuel my running. Because I am NOT a morning person and we exercise in the morning, many mornings it takes all the energy I have just to get out of bed, let alone run. My body screams at me as I put one leg in front of the other willing myself into a jog. Therefore I typically dread spead training and tempo run days. I know, however, that in order to widdle my half time down to 1:45 from 1:54 I am going to have to put some more effort into these workouts. Now if I could just harness some of my pent up agression and save it for the days that I speed train. Hmmmm....
Right now I have about 3 speed/hill exercises that I do, but I'm looking to expand. This week I am going to do some research and find at least 2 more speed training workouts that I can do to add to the reprotaire. I will report back next Friday. Are there any speed workouts that you've done that you really have found you love? I would love to hear about them.
In the meantime, happy training.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Favorite New Entree

Okay, this new low-carb-low-sugar-diabetic diet is seriously cutting in my awesome CARB filled dinners. I made up this nice little lettuce wrap recipe after being inspired by PF Chang's lettuce wraps. Get excited. It's GOOOOD.

1 lbs of ground beef (or ground turkey)
1 can of chunked chicken (or 1 Cup of cubed cooked chicken)
1 c of diced tomatoes
green pepper, onion, minced garlic (to taste)
1/2 c yellow squash
1/2 c green squash
1/2 c corn
Parmesan cheese
1/4 c can't believe it's not butter
Full size Romaine Lettuce Hearts

Cook the chicken, ground beef, onions, garlic, butter, tomatoes, green pepper and corn until brown. turn the heat down to low, throw the squash in (cut up into small fourths) and put the lid over the pan, steam & simmer for about 10 minutes until the squash is cooked. Sprinkle salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese over the top, stir. Put into a bowl.

Grab the Romaine Lettuce hearts, break them off as full size pieces, rinse and dry off lightly with a paper towel.

Take the meat & vegetables and put them down the middle of the lettuce rhine. Roll like you would a tortilla and enjoy! It's DELICIOUS!!!

Ps. Bonus? Jaylee gobbles them up, completely delicious!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Secrets of working out when Pregnant

Yeah the first three months are over! However the morning sickness seems to not be, but I think its getting better so I am hopeful:) This is my first pregnancy- and I know that I know just about nothing. I am very much so learning as I go and enjoying the process. Luckily working out and being active has been apart of my life for quite so time, and I feel a little more confident in that area. Each week on Wednesday I will be giving an update of what I am doing and what I plan on doing the next week for my workouts. Hopefully some of you may find something that will interest you- feel free to leave me comments and tips of things your doing, and websites your watching and week by week we will all make it through these 9 months.

Over the last three months I have been able to truly "put to the test" my testimony of being active and just how much I am willing to value it day by day. I have learned for me working out is about a release: I find when I am exercising I am able to process my day, emotions, worries, and joys! I am able to release what ever it is positive or negative that I am holding on to and radical accept what I can't control. When I finish exercising I find myself mentally lighter, stronger, and better prepared to fight my battles and cherish my triumphs. These are the aspects of exercising that make it worth it to me, and these same aspects are the reasons I am choosing to remain active through my pregnancy. Obviously there are other benefits, but the power I get from being active is what motivates me more than anything. This week I would encourage you to think about why exercising is important to you, and focus on those reasons during your workouts.

Since I am finishing up my Masters Degree and completing my last 700 hours of my internship- there isn't much time or areas in my life I can let slide, so there have been some days, getting through the day is a success and something I view as nothing less. I am no putting pressure on myself or making myself feel guilty for not exercising- and so far so good :) I am loving this time of my life and feel so lucky and blessed to have so many wonderful things happening. I don't intend to ruin that.

I am choosing to only run 3 miles at a time (2X a week), at about a 10/11 minute pace (whatever my dog is running she is slow). I know there are women for have ran further and faster, but this is where I am comfortable. To each their own right? If I wake up and am not feeling up to speed or just want to take it slow I am enjoying taking a "mindful" walk with my dog. For me the "mindful" piece is important. I focus on my body and how I feel from head to toe, I notice what I smell, hear, see and feel (I have found I enjoy this more without the IPOD, but sometimes I still take it along- its up to you). I am amazed at how much more I get out of my excise time when I am present and mindful, I have truly came to enjoy this "walking thing" My second goal is to go to the gym twice a week and lift. As of next week I am going to start attending a body pump class- I will let you know how that goes.... I am trying to get 45-60 minutes of "something" in 4 times a week, but remembering "pregnancy is not a time to push it"

I am sticking to the rule of thumb- If I did it before generally I am fine to do it pregnant. But I am not doctor, please remember to always consult someone who knows what they are talking about before you begin doing anything.

Being healthy through pregnancy is important and there are many aspects of "what makes someone healthy" I probably won't mention much about "eating right" Food is not my favorite thing right now, and researching and thinking about it only makes it worse- but it that is your thing please share :) Over the last year I have worked quite a bit with women's issues particularly that regarding body image. I think everyone women is different and unique, I don't want to encouraging comparing or valuing your pregnancy only by "how small you are?" and therefore won't be mentioning anything about my weight. Keep in mind all information supports pregnancy is not the time for weight lose. If you are concerned cabout your weight gain, that is a great thing to check with your Doctor.

Trail Tempo Run

So I think I'd be much more inclined to do tempo runs all the time if every morning could be beautiful and filled with trails. Sadly it's much too dark to run the trails at the time that we usually go running. So we went at 7:00 this morning instead of 6:00 so we would have some light. The run itself was beautiful. The trail was wet from all of the rain yesterday and there were leaves everywhere so it was kind of slippery at times. I'm always amazed at how the trails energize me. I seem to be able to push myself a lot more on the trails. Today I felt really good running except for the occasional twinges of pain left over from doing 100 squats last Friday. Overall it was a great run. I just wish it were lighter earlier in the morning so we could do it more often. As much as I loved the trail run, running that late didn't really work for either Lori or I. Sad. But I will for sure take a tempo trail run any day over a speed training day! Tee hee.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week One Wrap Up

Hi everyone. I weighed in this morning and I have lost 2 lbs. Woo woo. Yay for me. I know 2 lbs is small, but I'm hoping to keep it up! Last week was a hard exercise week. I was sooo tired and sore, but I feel like I'm doing it, I'm pushing hard. I tried to only have one treat a day, and that quickly turned into lots of treats everyday. My new goal this week is NO treat until Sunday, when I can have one serving of whatever treat I want. (I'm thinking pumpkin pie..yummmmm)

I feel good about working out every day. It definitely makes you tired, but I feel like that's the only way to see the results. I am becoming a true believer in interval training. That is what they preach at Basics and I can see the wisdom in it. Here is an article that explains the benefit of mixing cardio and lifting weights in intervals. I about killed Amanda introducing her to the the new philosophy of interval gym workouts... but she still likes me even if I make her muscles shake and her tummy upset. Right, friend?

This is my workout schedule for this week:

Monday: Basics (workouts posted on their blog)
Tuesday: Trail tempo run with Manda
Wednesday: Basics
Thursday: Body Combat class with my brother
Friday: Lifting/Cardio with Manda
Saturday: Trail run with my girls!! YAY!

My nutrition goals:
  • 3 fruits 3 vegetables daily
  • no carbs with dinner
  • only one serving of caffiene free diet coke daily
  • no treats until sunday,
Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Marks the beginning of my return to Basics. It also marks the beginning of my logged journal of weight loss for Look Pretty. Run Nasty. Get excited. This is how I personally feel about it....
I gave up caffiene diet coke last week, this week it's having one sugar treat daily (rather than the ...oh..... twenty I've been having? dang halloweeno)
Wish me luck!!!