Saturday, July 25, 2009


Thanks for not taking away my rights as a writer on our neglected running blog. Hopefully I can quickly make my way back in your hearts! BUT today was the day I did it I got my tired achy body out on the pavement. I told myself all day yesterday I was going for a run in the morning. When I got up with Hayden at 1 am and 4 am I told myself the same thing. When I got at 6 am with her and could watch all the bikers/runners going by from the nursery window I told myself...
I WAS GOING! but once I got her back to sleep it was a tough decision not to curl back in bed myself, obviously you know the outcome I went some where deep down inside me I knew I really, really wanted to go- and go I did. My running watch's batteries were dead after its nine month slumber, so was my ipod, pretty sure my shoes have given up the ghost and have no road wear left in them either. But the important parts my joints, bones, lungs and heart pulled through for me in amazing strength and color! It made me realize how unnecessarily hard I can be on my body- I don't always eat the best or stretch like I should, every once in awhile I look in the mirror and pick it apart from head to toe, but as I ran I just thought about all the amazing things I have done and all the amazing places I have been because of my body and particularly what my body has done over the last nine months. I became so overwhelmed with gratitude I almost wanted to give my belly fat a big hug!
I only went two miles, but I am now two miles stronger! Somewhere over the last little while I heard, "runners who run with their ipod are runners who can't be alone with their thought." or some thing like that. I usually never have a hard time running, listening to music and thinking at the same time- but nonetheless my first time back I am glad I was completely alone. Now maybe in a week I will be ready for the fun running group in my hood.


Lori said...

i'm proud of you! way to go erin, woo woo!!

Megan said...

I need to be a more optimistic person like you. I went 2 miles the day after I saw you, and although I was grateful for my body and all it has done, my husband had to remind me after I was grumbling about the 11 minute miles I was running.

P.S. It was nice to finally meet you. I think I might be joining the running group once early mornings become a little more possible ;)

Amanda said...

Good job friend! Way to get back out there!

Domestic Goddess and her Hero said...

Great Job! you're an inspiration to keep it movin'! I think it's awesome =}