Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Uphill Battle

Well Lori... I won't be running the Winter Training 10 miler again for you anytime soon! But thanks! Considering all truth I needed it- so far 10 miles is as far as I have gone this training :) I quite enjoyed myself for three reasons (1)It was a crisp morning for a run- minus the roads were extremely slick (2) I was entertained by the other runs- you can ask Amanda I enjoyed making fun of running styles for awhile (3)I WAS ABLE TO KEEP UP WITH AMANDA UNTIL MILE 8 1/2 then her tubo legs kicked into gear and I said "peace sista" but by that point in time I had made good friends with a old man and we kicked it together at a 9 minute pace. To be perfectly honest I didn't mind even coming in 3 minutes over! My legs were dying but I am just excited to be training again... I rather enjoy my love hate relationship with this sport, and overall my minute to minute time is improving so I can't complain.

P.S WHY in the 'LL are we running 2x20 milers...no one told me this! I want to speak with the management!

1 comment:

Lori said...

i'm sorry it was such a rough course! i'm waaay impressed you were able to stay with Ms. Amanda. way to go!! seriously, I swear her body is wired with somethin' fierce that at the end of runs it just goes all bionic...

you can hang out with me at the end of the races, i don't go super sonic... i tend to slooooow down....