Yeah the first three months are over! However the morning sickness seems to not be, but I think its getting better so I am hopeful:) This is my first pregnancy- and I know that I know just about nothing. I am very much so learning as I go and enjoying the process. Luckily working out and being active has been apart of my life for quite so time, and I feel a little more confident in that area. Each week on Wednesday I will be giving an update of what I am doing and what I plan on doing the next week for my workouts. Hopefully some of you may find something that will interest you- feel free to leave me comments and tips of things your doing, and websites your watching and week by week we will all make it through these 9 months.
Over the last three months I have been able to truly "put to the test" my testimony of being active and just how much I am willing to value it day by day. I have learned for me working out is about a release: I find when I am exercising I am able to process my day, emotions, worries, and joys! I am able to release what ever it is positive or negative that I am holding on to and radical accept what I can't control. When I finish exercising I find myself mentally lighter, stronger, and better prepared to fight my battles and cherish my triumphs. These are the aspects of exercising that make it worth it to me, and these same aspects are the reasons I am choosing to remain active through my pregnancy. Obviously there are other benefits, but the power I get from being active is what motivates me more than anything. This week I would encourage you to think about why exercising is important to you, and focus on those reasons during your workouts.
Since I am finishing up my Masters Degree and completing my last 700 hours of my internship- there isn't much time or areas in my life I can let slide, so there have been some days, getting through the day is a success and something I view as nothing less. I am no putting pressure on myself or making myself feel guilty for not exercising- and so far so good :) I am loving this time of my life and feel so lucky and blessed to have so many wonderful things happening. I don't intend to ruin that.
I am choosing to only run 3 miles at a time (2X a week), at about a 10/11 minute pace (whatever my dog is running she is slow). I know there are women for have ran further and faster, but this is where I am comfortable. To each their own right? If I wake up and am not feeling up to speed or just want to take it slow I am enjoying taking a "mindful" walk with my dog. For me the "mindful" piece is important. I focus on my body and how I feel from head to toe, I notice what I smell, hear, see and feel (I have found I enjoy this more without the IPOD, but sometimes I still take it along- its up to you). I am amazed at how much more I get out of my excise time when I am present and mindful, I have truly came to enjoy this "walking thing" My second goal is to go to the gym twice a week and lift. As of next week I am going to start attending a body pump class- I will let you know how that goes.... I am trying to get 45-60 minutes of "something" in 4 times a week, but remembering "pregnancy is not a time to push it"
I am sticking to the rule of thumb- If I did it before generally I am fine to do it pregnant. But I am not doctor, please remember to always consult someone who knows what they are talking about before you begin doing anything.
Being healthy through pregnancy is important and there are many aspects of "what makes someone healthy" I probably won't mention much about "eating right" Food is not my favorite thing right now, and researching and thinking about it only makes it worse- but it that is your thing please share :) Over the last year I have worked quite a bit with women's issues particularly that regarding body image. I think everyone women is different and unique, I don't want to encouraging comparing or valuing your pregnancy only by "how small you are?" and therefore won't be mentioning anything about my weight. Keep in mind all information supports pregnancy is not the time for weight lose. If you are concerned cabout your weight gain, that is a great thing to check with your Doctor.
Hey Erin,
I'm a sister-in-law to Lori, and was truly touched by what you wrote. I'm finishing my Masters as well (2 more weeks to go!) and it seems like life has taken off... I'm just along for the ride! My energy has been low because I haven't made time for exercising and "de-stressing!" So, I'm going to take a few moments everyday to workout and mentally work through things, that way I can enjoy these final weeks even more!
Thanks again for your post and good luck with everything! :)
I enjoyed reading this post A LOT. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It was a good reminder for me to remember that exercise is for more than just so I can eat what I want. I am hoping I can run for a long time with this pregnancy..I will just be 'listening to my body' and I guess we will see. It has been more difficult for me to find time or energy to exercise lately. Thanks for the inspiration and good luck to you! :)
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