Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bootcamp & Back to Business

Manda came and visited me this weekend, it was awesome, I loved it. Our kids were out of control on their sleep schedule so an early morning run did NOT take place (so sad) but we did get to workout once together.

Saturday I took Amanda to my bootcamp class (yay for working out together again!). It was intense and I am actually going to let Manda tell you all about it. You've heard my rants about BC, might as well get a new perspective, eh? However, I LOVED having her around again. It was awesome even though it was a totally painful workout.

LFS 9/10
LHS 10/10

After Manda left I peeled myself out of bed all sad and mopey to the gym. I miss you two and dangit I miss working out together even more. However, I'm here and am going to make the best of my experience, right? Sooo yesterday's workout.

Warm up
One mile, 9:40

Abs & Core

Middle Abs and shoulders (medicine ball behind the head, lift tap in the air) 20 x 4
Plank 35 seconds x2 45 seconds x 2
Lower Abs (bring legs and hands to meet in middle while holding medicine ball, lower, repeat)
Core: balance heels on medicine ball, elevate bum and hold for 35 seconds x 4
Ab Machine on 50 lbs 25 x 4

15 minutes elliptical
15 minutes treadmill

I lost all motivation about halfway through the elliptical. My ipod ran out of juice and I was tired. So I wouldn't call it the best workout ever, but I got up and did it.

LFS 6/10
LHS 6/10

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