Friday, September 18, 2009

Outside Adventures, Back & Biceps

Yesterday's workout was the 2 mile round trip to the library. My legs were still uber sore from my 5 miles and leg workout (and swim) earlier this week. So I decided to take an "off" day and just walk downtown to the library. It was an awesome walk with Reagan. On the way home we got caught in a rainstorm. Soooo by the time we got home we were drenched. I did end up jogging a bit in the rain, so technically it was more of a workout, right?

LFS 4/10
LHS 10/10 (I love running/walking/being outside in the rain)

Today's workout. Van had a late day at school so I was actually able to run outside. I know. What's that? Can you even remember what it's like Lori? Well I was quickly reminded HOW much I love running outside. I got sooo excited I pushed myself a little bit harder than normal. I ran up all the hills, pushed myself on the flat and ran like a bat out of hell on the downhills. It was a good, cathargic run. I loved it. 3 miles in 26 minutes. Bam.

I came across this.....

Yup. Ivy growing on the power lines. Awesome.

After I ate breakfast I took sissy to the gym and I did even MORE. I know. Where's the Lori from 2008-2009 and what has she done with her? I'm actually pushing myself again. It's nice. It feels good. Today's workout is brought to you by our sponsor, 30 SECONDS.

Warm-up: 10 minute glut-busting workout on the elliptical.

Strength Training: All things repeated 4 times. The two pairs alternating between muscle groups.

Lat Pulls 50lbs , 30 seconds
Step ups for 30 seconds

Back Row 20 lbs, 30 seconds
Jumping jacks for 30 seconds

Preacher Curls, 20 lbs, 30 seconds
Supermans, 30 seconds

Burpees, 30 seconds

7:20 min mile
intervals 2 min on 1 min off at 6:45mm = 5 min
5 minute cool down.

It was a short end cardio but I was dying, especially combining it with the 3 miler from an hour previous. Good workout. Sweat. Everywhere.

LFS 10/10
LHS 10/10


Martha said...

You inspire me! Truly, I had an epiphany while reading your post... although I'm not where I want to be physically today, I can keep on trying and doing and becoming... then, one day I'll be able to work hard and push my body, achieving the physical stamina I've desired for years. :) Thanks! Keep up the great work!!

Kristin said...

I am out of breath reading that Lori!! You rock!!