Thursday, December 31, 2009

Its a New Year Ladies!

I say we do the race. Yes?
How does March 20th work for you two?
Want to train for a 10k or a Half?


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A new beginning!

Yep thats were I am at... I have convinced a good friend that working out is best at 0'dark thirty in the morning and as of monday we are signing up at the legancy center tell spring comes and we can go outside Every. Day. Every. Day.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I did it ladies.  I went to the doctor about my knee, told him my complaint and then cringed while anticipating the worst.  He said that he just thinks I've torn my miniscus (thanks to soccer), but that I can keep running.  Whew...on one condition, that I have an MRI done of my knee, just to make sure it's not something more serious.  So tonight at 9:30 (does that seem late to anyone else?) I will be having an MRI of my knee done.  I should know in a couple of days what it shows.  Tally ho right?  Cross your fingers for me girls. Muah!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Therapuetic Thanksgiving

Hey Ladies.

I hope your Turkey Runs went well.  For my Thanksgiving Run I decided to get as close to Utah as humanly possible here in Georgia.  How's that?  By running the only mountain around.  It felt so good to push up a mountain again.  Very different from our Utah mountains, I was running on pure granite, but I didn't care.

There were parts that got so steep I couldn't run, I had to power walk, it was kickin my butt.

But it was sooo worth being at the top.

I sat at the top and said a prayer of thanksgiving for you two, for my family, for my friends, for everything I've been blessed with.  And really, what top of the mountain run wouldn't be complete without a few tears?  Luckily there weren't any Asian tourists at the top this time to share in the moment with me. ha.   I was so lucky to have you as running partners.  I hope you two know the influence you had and continue to have in my life.  I missed you yesterday.  But I was so thankful for the opportunity to run, to sit on a mountain, and realize how much I've been blessed with.

The run down the mountain was entertaining.  I probably shouldn't have run down it.  A bunch of rocks?  Yah, probably not the best idea.  Don't worry I only fell once.  Heh heh.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Run!

I am so very very bummed I won't be running the ORMC 5 miler this year.  It has been the tradition for the last 5 years.  Don't fret.  I'm totally running 5 miles on Thanksgiving, if it kills me!  I miss you girlies and hope you have a fantastic Turkey Day!  Enjoy the run for me!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Has It Come to This?

A smattering of posting from all of us?  Really?  How sad.  I have a challenge for us. You ready?

I think we should all train for a "race" together.  

Train for a race? Silly Lori.  We live in three different places.  TRUE.  But what if we say, on March 20th we run a half marathon together. Or a 10k.  Or something.  Meaning, we train, and we all run that distance on the same day.  We could even do some fun things with it. 

 Then we could feel involved with each other again and talk about our training runs. 
hee hee.
What do you think?  You in? 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jiggle Jiggle

My friend Eliza had this on her blog.  It made me giggle. Pretty sure Amanda said at least ONE of these lines when we first started training.

 Made me laugh.  Enjoy your runs ladies!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I think it may be time to go to a doctor...

A couple of months ago I hurt my knee in a rather violent soccer game.  I put my brace on and kept on, keeping on.  For a while there it felt like it was going to get better, but this last week it has really gone downhill.  This morning when I got out of bed it was really stiff and sore.  I can bend it just fine, but anytime I go to straighten it out I have shooting pains through all of my leg.  Hmmmm...I think it may be time to venture to the docs office.  What do you girls think?

I'm alive.... and still running.

Hey Ladies.  I was sidelined with a nasty something for about 3 weeks, but I'm back!  The last week was a great running/working out week. 

Yup.  Me running.

Two noteables.

I try to go running with the PA girls (van's classmates) on Saturday mornings.  They go on all sorts of runs around Atlanta, it's a great way to see the city and to get to know the people Van is spending a lot his time with.   Last weekend we went running through a nice neighborhood called Avondale Estates.  I sure wish I would've brought my camera.  It was akin to the "Father of the Bride" neighborhood.  Seriously, girls, sometimes I have to pinch myself when I look around and see where I live.  I love it.   Well, about 1/4 mile into the run we were hit with a monsoon of sorts.  Amigas, I have never ever run in this type of rain before.  I was literally sloshing out of my shoes, it was nuts.  There were sections of the road and sidewalk just covered with beautifully bright leaves... you'd step on it and all the sudden find yourself with water up to your knee.  I was SO soaked.  It rained the entire 4 miles.. as soon as we stopped running it magically stopped raining.  Of course.

And of course we had to take a picture of our wet ratted selves....

We could ring out our shirts and pants. Easily.

This weekend I went on a 5+ miler that ended up being 6.5 miler.  a) I haven't been running long distance much lately and b) I haven't been running much at all lately.  I found myself really struggling the last mile.  Instead of telling myself I couldn't do it and stopping I pulled into our long run bag of tricks and decided to start listing off all the things I was grateful for.  Before I knew it I was home, my legs weren't that sore, and I was filled with so much gratitude I had a GREAT attitude for the rest of the day.  I love love love running and I love the therapy that come along with it.

The only thing that would make it better were if you two were to run with me.  xoxo

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still the Same 'ole Lori

Went running this morning with the D-ladies.

We had been running oh maybe 5 minutes

The sidewalk came up and tripped me.


I face planted it on the sidewalk, scratched up my knees, hands, and shoulder.

Good to know some things never change.  No matter what the elevation.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Piedmont Park

This morning I was invited to go along with a bunch of Van's classmates who were running at Piedmont Park and the surrounding swanky area.  It was a GORGEOUS run.  It was the closest I've felt to "trails" in a long time.  It was nice being outside running on Saturday again, feeling like I pushing a little...and there were even a few legs were all HILLS? WHAT ARE HILLS? Good times, girls, good times.  Slowly but surely I'm running again.  Hallelujah!

(and not to rub it in but it's 70 degrees and gorgeous here)

Friday, October 9, 2009

A New Trio

I went running with some ladies in my neighborhood this morning.  They have been running together for a few months and invited me to join.   It felt SO good to be running in the dark again -with PEOPLE-like who I could talk with. 

I had to wake up at 4:45am

I thought I was going to die. Really.

As I was getting ready I kept thinking really, I did this for 6 years? 5am?  

But when I got outside I remembered how much I love running when the rest of the world is asleep.  How peaceful it is to start my day that way. 

They aren't my dos amigas, you two are irreplaceable, but for now that'll do pig, that'll do.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Song Bird Trail

Oh girls.  I am so sad that we didn't know about this trail earlier.  A couple of weeks ago I went running with Kristin and Trina and they took me on the most beautiful run.  We started at Kristin's house and headed up to the trail head on 36th.  We ran the regular trail and then headed over to the trail by St. Joseph's High School, but then instead of going to the end and turning around, we dropped down to the neighborhoods.  We ran through the neighborhoods to 20th St. to the Bird Song trail head, which I had no idea existed.  The trail was beautiful and dropped us down from 20th to the head of the Parkway!  So guess what we skipped entirely?  That nasty road that passes El Monte and Rainbow Gardens!  No cars to nearly kill us, and though there was wind, it wasn't nearly as bad.  Oh my.  I sooo wish we had known about this trail years ago!  It was beautiful, and you know how I feel about trails.  Ahhhh.  Anyway, we finished the run by running the parkway (against the flow of a 5K nonetheless) and finished up a Peak Performance.  It was 7 miles total and was awesome.  I loved it.  We definitely need to do it next summer.  Yes, yes we do.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who's that third girl?

It's me friends...I'm sure some have wondered where the heck I've been-well let me tell you. I've been/am back a square uno and let me tell you running is hard work. I am ummm lets see how do I put this training for a 5k. Yep that sound right I'm gonna run a 5k at the end of October my goal is 27 minutes or better at least I feel that's pretty generous of me to set such am achievable goal that means my long runs will build up to a whopping 3 miles over the next 3 weeks! So you two keep right along workout at super amazing in shape trainings and I'll be plugging along back at square one at least I'm pretty sure I have no where but up to least lets hope- oh and I the rare occasion I even add sit=ups to my workout when I feel like pushing myself :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Holy Workouts This Week Batman

So this week I did 3 really intense workouts that Lor put together for me in all of her best training glory.  Oh. My. I hurt.  They were awesome.  I did a speed training workout, a bootcamp type work out and what she calls cardio blast (ummmm it's haaaaard).  All of them were intense and induced massive amouts of persperation.  I was proud of myself because I really pushed myself and wouldn't let myself give up, however by the time I got to cardio blast on Friday I felt like I was jogging even though I was trying to sprint!  Yikes.
I have been dragging a few other people with me and leading in the workouts which has really actually helped me work out better.  I feel like I have to push myself harder in order to expect it out of them.  I've been a little surprised at what I'm capable of.  It's been good.  So all in all it's been a good workout week for me!  I will have to post the workouts that Lor has provided me with.  I have a feeling I'm going to be feeling more toned in no time.  Thanks Coach. You're the best!

AFS: 10/10
AHS: most days 10/10

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Funny Thing, No?

Somewhere in the last two weeks all the air in balloon got pfffffttt'd right out. If I'm being honest with you two I haven't worked out -at all- in nearly two weeks. Yup. Impressive, eh? You know what's funny? I have actually kept eating really healthy. Only one ice cream night. No diet coke -off the wagon evenings. Just general good eating. I know, I was impressed too.

Here's the kicker:

I've lost 6 lbs the last two weeks. Without working out.
Yaaaah. Strange, eh?

And, no, it wasn't from the stomach bug. All that weight came back right when I started eating again. Sooo here's the only thing I can think of:

I got 8-9 hours of sleep every night for the last 8 days. Yup. I remember my nutritionist being a nazi-sleeper-person. Maybe she had a point? So, I'm starting my working out regime again BUT my new goal is to consistently get 8-9 hours of sleep. Hmmm. I'll let you know how it goes. You two should try throwing that variable in and see if you notice any changes.

Funny, no?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bootcamp: Monsoon Style

It's been pouring non-stop in GA. Bridgette said BC would be cancelled today if that happened. She lied. When we got there it was just barely misting but about 20 minutes in the rain picked up and only got worse. Did we stop? Nope. By then end it was full-on sheets of rain. It actually felt all hardcore doing sprints and push ups and abs in the rain: laying on wet mats, having our weights slip through our hands. Good times. There were only 2 of us that showed up due to the weather, so just the 3 of us. It made the workout go by faster and I actually think it was much easier workout for me since both these cuties are pregnant.

The conclusion I came to today.

My strong muscles: quads, biceps, and back.
My weak muscles: tris, abs, and chest (and did I mention tris?).

Not quite sure what I'm going to do with that information. I need to read up more about how much and often it's okay to build up your muscle. Anyway. random side note. Yes.

see? drenched.

Summary: I love working out in the rain. Love it. It was a random but entertaining boot camp this morning. Good times had by all.

LFS 7/10
LHS 10/10

Friday, September 18, 2009

Outside Adventures, Back & Biceps

Yesterday's workout was the 2 mile round trip to the library. My legs were still uber sore from my 5 miles and leg workout (and swim) earlier this week. So I decided to take an "off" day and just walk downtown to the library. It was an awesome walk with Reagan. On the way home we got caught in a rainstorm. Soooo by the time we got home we were drenched. I did end up jogging a bit in the rain, so technically it was more of a workout, right?

LFS 4/10
LHS 10/10 (I love running/walking/being outside in the rain)

Today's workout. Van had a late day at school so I was actually able to run outside. I know. What's that? Can you even remember what it's like Lori? Well I was quickly reminded HOW much I love running outside. I got sooo excited I pushed myself a little bit harder than normal. I ran up all the hills, pushed myself on the flat and ran like a bat out of hell on the downhills. It was a good, cathargic run. I loved it. 3 miles in 26 minutes. Bam.

I came across this.....

Yup. Ivy growing on the power lines. Awesome.

After I ate breakfast I took sissy to the gym and I did even MORE. I know. Where's the Lori from 2008-2009 and what has she done with her? I'm actually pushing myself again. It's nice. It feels good. Today's workout is brought to you by our sponsor, 30 SECONDS.

Warm-up: 10 minute glut-busting workout on the elliptical.

Strength Training: All things repeated 4 times. The two pairs alternating between muscle groups.

Lat Pulls 50lbs , 30 seconds
Step ups for 30 seconds

Back Row 20 lbs, 30 seconds
Jumping jacks for 30 seconds

Preacher Curls, 20 lbs, 30 seconds
Supermans, 30 seconds

Burpees, 30 seconds

7:20 min mile
intervals 2 min on 1 min off at 6:45mm = 5 min
5 minute cool down.

It was a short end cardio but I was dying, especially combining it with the 3 miler from an hour previous. Good workout. Sweat. Everywhere.

LFS 10/10
LHS 10/10

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Are My Legs Still Attached? Yes? Oh.

Today was dedicated to lower body. I tried my best to kill myself. I did a pretty good job. I am really hatin this working out solo thing, but I'm starting to get in a groove, so good... 10 points.

1st Cardio Set

1 mile 8:42
800 meters 3:40
1 minute brisk walk
400 meters 1:20
1 minute brisk walk
200 meters 45 seconds
30 second brisk walk
100 meters 30 seconds
2 minute brisk walk
1 mile 8:33

Strength Training

Step ups including roundhouse kicks and 8 lbs medicine ball 15 x 4 each leg

Inner thighs 30lbs x 50, 50 lbs x 30, 70lbs x 20
Outer thighs 30lbs x 50, 50 lbs x 30, 70 lbs x 20

Ham leg curls 35 lbs 15 x 4

Quad leg curls 25 lbs 20 x4

Lunges 20 x 4 with 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks in between sets

Calve raises 20 x 4

Second Cardio Set

2 miles on elliptical on max resistance.

and then i died. my legs were sooo shaky by the end. i stretched and called it good. done and done.

LFS 11/10
LHS 10/10

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday. Bam.

15 minute cardio warm up.

I decided to really up the ante with my warm ups. So I did 5 minute on the elliptical, resistance 8. Then I pumped it up for 10 minutes at resistance 16. It was intense. But I had a good beat going in my ears and I jammed it out. My legs were tired when I was done, but I felt like I had pushed myself much more than I usually do with workouts.


Chest flys 10 lb dumbells 15 x 4: Exercise ball under head/shoulders, legs extended, feet on ground abs holding me up.

Shoulders 20 lb dumbells (yaaaaah) 15 x 4. My shoulders felt like they were literally going to rip off. I kept grunting to myself to push through. I was so proud of myself for finishing all 4 sets completely.

Chest machine 40lbs 15 x 4: my arms so were so shaky from my shoulder workout that these chest flys were haaaaaaaard.

Tricep pulls (rope) 30 lbs 15 x 4

Abs: Full body stretch and retract 15 x 4 (my ab muscles are so weak right now after my 4th set I literally felt sick. I chalked it up to "good job Lor" rather than "you are a wuss bucket Lor")

Cardio: I found this workout online. It promised it would kick my butt.... and it did. If you have a treadmill you should totally try it. I loved it. It went by so much faster than I thought it would because I was so focused on my small intervals.

5 minutes - warm up
2 minutes - baseline (past where you feel totally comfortable, but a pace you can sustain)
2 minutes - set incline up 1% every 15 seconds
2 minutes - decrease incline 1% every 15 seconds
1 minutes - sprint
2 minutes - set incline up 1 % every 15 seconds
2 minutes - decrease incline 1% every 15 seconds
1 minute - sprint
2 minute - increase incline 1% every 10 seconds
2 minute - sustain highest incline achieved
2 minute - decrease incline 1% every 10 seconds
2 minute - sprint
1 minute - baseline
3 minute - cooldown

my baseline was an 8:47 mm, my sprint was 7:20mm. I jacked up the incline as high as it would go and power walked up the treadmill for one of the two minutes and ran up it the last minute.

It worked my butt and my lungs. Pretty sure my new favorite running song for hills is "Boom Boom Pow" man that came on when I was trying to up my pace and the incline . It was awesome. Hope your Monday workouts went well!

LFS 10/10
LHS 9/10

I have GOT to go running outside soon.
The treadmill is awesome but maaaaaaan I miss outside.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Swim Swim Swim

Made my way back to the gym this morning. I was so tired and so not in the mood to work out. However, whining and grumbling aside, I took Reagan and we went. I decided to have a cardio day today and really push myself. I felt good about the swim. I swam 800 meters straight. That's the longest I've ever swam without a break. It was a new record. Woot. It took me about 16 minutes, so I'm assuming a mile will be lookin around 30+ minutes...which means... I've got some work to do. BUT today I'm not worried about the work... I'm just super duper excited I hit my goal of 800 meters.

Here was my workout.

100 meters warm up
800 meters straight
300 meters leg kicks
300 meters arms only (ouch ouch ouch)
100 meters cool down

Short and sweet. But it felt good and rejuvenating. Let me tell you what women at my gym are not shy. I have seen more naked women in the last few weeks than in my entire 2 years at Gold. I'm starting to think I should just walk around naked to join in the group. Ha. Good times, ladies, good times.

LFS 10/10
LHS 9/10

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

TOU Half...Un Amiga Style...

Three years ago we became the Tres this race...
That was a fun race, and was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
I haven't run TOU since that first time that we ran it together...until this year.
Here is a synopsis of the adventure that was TOU.
This year instead of 3, there were 5 of us.  Lor's sister Ashley and her running friend Michelle, and Kristin and Trina, joined me in running this beauty.  Or rather I should say I joined them.  Kristin and Trina had invited me originally and Ashley had said at the beginning of the summer that she wanted to run a half with me and somewhere in there Michelle joined the mix.  Training for this race was a bit of joke.  My training has been sporadic at best, but I had just run the Provo River 3 weeks before, so I figured I'd be fine.  Riiiight.
Our morning started way too early, and I had to convince Ashley and Michelle that we really DID have to leave that early.  We got to the buses and realized that they didn't have their race packets yet, so they had to grab those.  The line for the buses was loooooong.  So I was feeling somewhat panicky.  To aleviate the panic, Kristin decided to take a pic of Trina and I.
Gotta love bb's!
Once we finally boarded we realized that there was no way the race was going to start on time.  No siree bob.  And we snapped some more pics to give Lor a bb play by play.
Ashley and Michelle
Kristin and Trina
Poor lonely Manda....
At the top I met some new friends and tried to convince them to run with me.  But they said no.
(Yes those are a the top of the race...ummm random?)
The race got underway and I had a side ache right off.  Blast.  Not the way I like to start, but by mile 3 that had subsided.  I started off with Kristin and Trina and later caught up with Ash and Michelle, and then Kristin caught up with the three of us again.  I was so glad that I had people to run with.  I was sooo struggling to keep going.  I was tired, unprepared, and sad not to have you two there.  Sad.  So sad....
I did have some great chat time with Kristin though.  I really like her.  She is a rather fabulous person.  And I loved listening to Ashley's random stories. That girl can make me laugh!
I in no way felt as good as I did during the Provo River half, but my time was better. Go figure. I fininshed the race in 2:05. It was a good race, and a beautiful course, and just a little random. Let me share.

Random occurences at TOU:

  • The sheep at the top of the race...random yes?
  • Having someone say as I run by, "Hey aren't you Lori's friend? I read her blog and know all about you." No lie. That happened twice.
  • Running by a man having a heart attack 1 block from the finish. Ambulances and everything. In all my racing I've never seen that happen. He lived.
  • Seeing at least 5 people at the end that I knew that I haven't seen in 3-5 years.
All in all it was a good race.  I just missed you girls like crazy.  I had totally forgotten that this was our fist race together until I got to the top and all of the memories came flooding back.  Like taking this picture.
Ahhh...the beginning of Tres Amigas.
It made me sad to be the only one left here.  So I took this picture.
The Un Amiga.  It wasn't as fun, but I did it girls.  Here's to all of us.
Muah.  Love you girls!

Bootcamp & Back to Business

Manda came and visited me this weekend, it was awesome, I loved it. Our kids were out of control on their sleep schedule so an early morning run did NOT take place (so sad) but we did get to workout once together.

Saturday I took Amanda to my bootcamp class (yay for working out together again!). It was intense and I am actually going to let Manda tell you all about it. You've heard my rants about BC, might as well get a new perspective, eh? However, I LOVED having her around again. It was awesome even though it was a totally painful workout.

LFS 9/10
LHS 10/10

After Manda left I peeled myself out of bed all sad and mopey to the gym. I miss you two and dangit I miss working out together even more. However, I'm here and am going to make the best of my experience, right? Sooo yesterday's workout.

Warm up
One mile, 9:40

Abs & Core

Middle Abs and shoulders (medicine ball behind the head, lift tap in the air) 20 x 4
Plank 35 seconds x2 45 seconds x 2
Lower Abs (bring legs and hands to meet in middle while holding medicine ball, lower, repeat)
Core: balance heels on medicine ball, elevate bum and hold for 35 seconds x 4
Ab Machine on 50 lbs 25 x 4

15 minutes elliptical
15 minutes treadmill

I lost all motivation about halfway through the elliptical. My ipod ran out of juice and I was tired. So I wouldn't call it the best workout ever, but I got up and did it.

LFS 6/10
LHS 6/10

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today. I actually made it to the gym.

Chest press 15 x 3
Tricep curls 20 x3
Lat Pull 20 x 3
Tricep bar 20 x3

Abs 20 x 3
Push ups 10 x 2
Plank position 30 seconds x 2

Spin class: 60 minutes of hell.

LFS 10/10
LHS 8/10

Tonight I'm supposed to run 8 miles with my neighbor. We'll see a) if it actually happens and b) how I actually do. The longest I've run since Ragnar was 4 miles. Tally ho!


Sleep wins out.

Tuesday's workout: change into your swimsuit, pack your gym bag, realize your 2 year old needs a nap.. lay her down, lay down in your bed and take a 2 hour nap instead.

LFS 10/10 (I was tiiired. :)
LHS 10/10

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday's Workout

Warm-up: 2 miles at 9:04 mm

15 step ups on each side with a high knee and roundkick to the side, 4 sets
50 lbs on the quads 20 reps, 4 sets
40 lbs on the hams 15 reps, 4 sets
20 high middle crunches (legs on exercise ball) 20 reps, 4 sets
15 lower abs (lowering legs) 15 reps, 4 sets

Cardio: 1 mile on the treadmill, 8 mm
30 minutes on the elliptical, all glutes
10 minute sprint intervals on bike

Cool-down: 5 minutes on bike & stretch

LFS 9/10
LHS 8/10

Friday, August 28, 2009


...thought about it and I really don't think its the race for me :) Please let Fun Celeste have my spot and enjoy- Father's day weekend is also Ty's birthday and I think my Mom and I are going to run the Disneyland half and I want to run a thats about the running budget for the year :) Love you both and happy to run anytime in the early morning after a full nights rest!

Soccer has returned

Oh girls.  My soccer team is back! Yay!!!!!  I can't even tell you how much joy this brings me.  My whole team hasn't been together in about 2 years, but miraculously we all are playing together again starting last night.  I first started playing with this team about 6 years ago and was the total outsider on the team.  I was the only one that didn't know everyone else, but my friend Mel, had me come and play with them once and then she moved to Denver so they let me take her spot.  It took me a couple of years to really feel like a part of the group, but now I love them.  They are such a great group of girls and I feel so lucky to have found them.  Last night was the beginning of the indoor season for us.  We had 2 games.  Yikes.  I haven't played 2 soccer games in a while.  I was worried.  The first game was a little rough, but luckily we pulled it out and were able to win.  The second team we played was a much better team and gave us a run for our money.  Thankfully we'd had that first game to warm up and remember how to play together again, and we played amazingly well that second game.  It was so much fun!  Oh how I love soccer.  I'm pretty sure I'll play until they stop playing.  So maybe when I'm 50?
AFS 7/10
AHS 10/10
Tomorrow I'm running the Top of Utah half! I'm just a little sore from 2 soccer games last night.  So wish me luck!

Swimming Kicks My Butt

Swam for 45 minutes.
Myriad of drills and lengths.
Myriad of strokes.
Longest freestyle stretch without stopping: 400 meters.
Took me 9:30min. So my time is a titch slower than in April, but within reach.

Realized it's been 6 months since I swam last. I was tired afterwards in the shower. Yes yes.

LFS 9/10
LHS 6/10
(felt like I could have pushed harder and was frustrated with how HARD the workout was, definitely need to swim more often)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


You running it with us Erin?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday's Workout

Bridgette man. She's an awesome workout buddy. If you thought I was a titch too motivated you two would be surprised during her workouts. I met up with her at the gym and this is what we did.

Warm up: 9:30 mile, plus 5 min warmup/cooldown
Chest Press 4 sets of 15
Inbetween sets did 4 sets of rotating push ups.
Leg Press 3 sets of 40 (first 20 full footed jump, 2nd 20 jumping and pushing off using just your heels)
Inbetween sets did 3 sets of lunges, 20 on each side. Last set were "jumping lunges" ooouch.
Triceps. Using a lat machine we pushed down with a flat hand and did 2 sets of 20.

THEN made our way over to Bridgette's Spin Class from HELL. She worked us til the cows came home. We had a set of sprints that were 45 second sprint, 15 second recovery for a total of 9 minutes. THEN we had to do a full on sprint for 3 minutes. Throw in everything else she does crazily for 60 minutes and I was dyyying by the end of the class. Didn't help that we'd just lifted our legs. Good good.

LFS 8/10
LHS 10/10

Good workout today, ladies. I'm rounding up GREAT ideas. You are SO excited for my visit in December aren't you?

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey ladies. So Bootcamp. Kickin. My. Butt. I can't remember all we did on Saturday but it involved a lot of cardio and a lot of resistance. On Friday I had met with a personal trainer at LA Fitness who is helping set up a specific "go Lori" plan for me... he had me max out all my muscles so we had a baseline of where to begin, what was "easy" or "hard" for me, so he'd know what workouts to write up for me. Sooo I'd already really REALLY worked my muscles on Friday.

Saturday comes. Honestly about 40 minutes into the 75 minute work out I'm ready to be done. My legs are shaking, my lungs are burning, it was intense. THEN she wanted us to do 10 set of stairs AFTER a bunch of high knees. Oh man, my poor poor poor quads. I had to stop after my 5th one and stretch because seriously they were ripping and shaking. Good workout. I was glad I went. Almost barfed. Made me even more excited for next week.

Today's workout. It was killer. It was my first "Brey" workout. (the PT) He had me warm up with a mile at an easy pace. No biggie. 9:40 mm. I can do that for a mile. Then he told me we were just going to work back and biceps today. Huh, I thought, well then this workout can't be ALL that bad. Here's the breakdown of what I did:

Lat pull machine 4 sets of 30 second reps at 45 lbs
inbetween each set I had to do 15 high knees on each side ON the machine itself.
Lat Row (like rowing a boat) 4 sets of 30 second reps at 40 lbs
inbetween each set I did jumping jacks for 30 seconds holding an 8 lbs medicine ball
Bicep curls 4 sets of 30 second reps using 20 lbs bar
inbetween sets I had to use an aerobic step and throw a ball as i stepped up and down and up and down and up and down.

that's all. i know it doesn't sound like much, but maaaan. THEN came the cardio

30 minutes on the elliptical full resistance for 10 minutes, 5 minutes to 50%, 10 minutes at 100&, 5 minutes at 50%.

10 minute treadmill session. 1 mile warm up, 7:30 mm mile, 1:30 min cool down.

sooooo tired. when i was jamming out the elliptical the i suddenly had two guys on the ellipitcals next to me. one guy STUUUUNK. man he had a stench. i was 18 minutes in to the 30 minutes so I felt committed to my machine. but man alive. he needed deodorant or something. goodness gracious.

my friend, Katie, started her own workout blog and I like her system of ranking workouts. So I'm going to steal it from her. Sorry, Katie.

Friday's workout: LFS (Lori Fatigue Scale) 6/10 LHS (Lori Happy Scale) 8/10
Saturday's workout: 9/10 if not close to 9.5/10, LHS 10/10
Today's workout: LFS 8/10 LHS 10/10

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My almost run on the beach...

Sooooo my working out this week rocked. Yup. Uh huh. My bed was waaaay to comfortable, and I didn't have anyone to meet this week. So those are my excuses. Tee hee. Well Wednesday night we went up to Bear Lake to be with Jared's family and a run on the beach sounded divine. Me, the sand, the water and the quiet of the morning sun. Ahhhhh. It was a great plan, and in my mind it was amazing. then I got up and went out only to find that the water was so high that I couldn't go too far before I was stopped by the foliage...and as much as I felt like bush-whacking...well, let's just say my run turned into a walk. Ahh well. It was still beautiful. I really really love Bear Lake.
To make up for my sad runs this week I made myself get up and run this morning all on my own. 6 miles and I rocked it. Yes I did. Hills and all. So hopefully the half next week goes well! Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What I've Been Up To

I made a goal last week to workout 2 hours everyday for 6 days a week. I did all 6 days last week and am 3 days in this week. Our student loan life doesn't allow me to partake in races for the time being... sooo I've had to shift my focus from training to toning and building endurance. I'm actually kinda diggin the new workout regime. Goal one: workout 2 hours 6x a week.
the type of pictures I send to manda on the BB "shoot. me. now"

Yesterday I did a serious butt-kickin 60 minute cardio workout. A portion of it was making myself push through something that really hurt. How to do that? Make myself run faster for longer than I have since ummm I can't remember when. I set the treadmill to a 7:30 minute mile and went for it. It wasn't THAT painful until the last .3 mile. Made me all proud of myself. I made a new goal. Each time I'm doing a completely cardio-centric workout I'm going to do a 7:30 mile or less. My goal is to be able to run a 6:30 mile in 6 months from now. Just ONE mile.. and on the treadmill. I have no idea if I'd have the gumption to push my body THAT fast without the treadmill pushing me along. Soo... welcome to goal numero dos: 6:30 mile.

Goal #3? Swim 1.5 miles straight by January.

I'm excited for my new goals. It's odd not to have racing as my goal, but I'm excited to have some new goals. I'm sure as I work out more I'll be able to add to my goal list. What have you two cute girlies been up to?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Two Days Straight.

Good news, ladies. I have officially worked out two days in a row. I know, will wonders ever cease? I decided to cave and get a gym membership. I just can't do it on my own. Maybe once I know the area better and I can convince crazy souls to join me.. but until then the gym is my best option. Plus, it gives me something to do once I lose my husband to graduate school. They recently told Van he's "theirs" 40-50 hours a week, not including studying. Soooo yaaah I gotta find an outlet. The local, most affordable, and safest gym is LA Fitness. I tried the Golds Gym and it's in an area that I don't feel comfortable going by myself. The choices for Golds were a sketchy part of downtown Atlanta or the suburbs 30 minutes away. LA Fitness 4 miles down the road won.

Yesterday I drove out to Bridgettes gym and took her spinning class. She did a great job and I could feel my lungs screaming "see?? THIS is why you don't stop working out, cause now it HURTS!" I was a sweat puddle but loved it.

Today I tried out my gym. I was nervous and had all sorts of emotions about a gym. Call me crazy but pretty much everything in the working out world reminds me of you two. I know I have to do it, I just wish I knew someone, you know? I got Jaylee off to school and headed to the gym. I was so good girls, I did 45 minutes of cardio BEFORE my hour long class. I know. I was impressed too. When I made my way over to the class the first girl who spoke to me chatted about how her and her husband just relocated to Atlanta from Colombus, GA and she was here at this gym for her first time. I said, funny, thats a coincidence. I'm here for my first time too... we just moved here about two months ago. Then she asked "Where are you from?" "Utah" (which usually gets followed up by this question, and today was no different...)
"Are you Mormon?"
Yup. Sure am.
She got very excited and said "So am I!"

Now I know this may not seem like much. But let me tell you what. In my 2 months here I haven't just "run into" any other LDS members. Unless it was church related I have always been asked "Are you mormon?" and then followed by a "Huh...I knew a Mormon once..." that's generally the way to convo goes. So imagine my shock and happiness. THEN come to find out she's in my ward boundaries AND she's looking for someone to work out with. It was a blessed day.

I felt very watched over. Definitely need to thank the Big Guy.

Tomorrow is day three at the gym. Wish me luck!
btw, I sweat ALL the time. it doesn't matter if I'm working out inside or outside I don't know what's wrong with me--I'm ALWAYS dripping!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Provo River Half

I was nervous about this race. Very nervous. I had only half-heartedly trained for it, and Rachel had spent the 3 previous weeks nursing injuries...her knee, her back, you name it. Part of me really seriously considered going down, getting my shirt, and then not running it. I am soooo glad I did not choose that path. Despite all of our lack of preparation Rachel and I ventured our way down. We got down to the Riverwoods Shopping Plaza and found the camper with the bibs and t-shirts, which this year went all out and had set up out on the grass instead of handing them out from the camper. Impressive. Also an impressive change to this years race? Timing chips. They were going all out! While standing in line to get my bib a horrible realization hit me. I forgot my running shoes! All day long I'd been telling myself not to forget. Soooo of course I did. I panicked and called Erin (who graciously let us stay at her place) and asked what size of shoe she wore. Erin coolly responded not to worry that she was still in O-town and would be more than willing to stop by my house and pick them up. Erin wins major points.
From there we decided to go to Macaroni Grill to carb load. Nummy. When who should I see? Oh just all of Max's Ashlee's family. Yup! So we hugged and gabbed for a bit and then sat down for dinner. So random to run into them.
After dinner we headed back up to Erin's and settled in for the night because 4:30 was going to come way too soon. Even still we were able to muster this lovely shot on the bus.

The beginning of the race was cold. A cold front had come through sending our temps way below normal. The chill at the beginning was totally worth it though because the rest of the race was beautiful! Perfect running weather. Like the high when we finished was on 64 degrees. Say it with me. Per-fect. We started the race out strong, we felt good and were moving well. 5 miles was over before we knew it. Seriously. I'm not joking about that. It felt like it flew! By about mile 7 though Rachel's knees were giving her grief, but she just kept pushing on. As usual for me I was starting to feel really good about this time. She kept telling me to go ahead, but I didn't want to. I wanted her to have a great first experience so she'd get hooked! So we just kept pushing forward. Rachel did awesome. We really hadn't trained sufficiently, and she had so many injuries I was really worried about her. Even with all of that she was a champ! At mile 12 I was feeling GREAT, and Rachel wanted to amputate her left foot and this time she insisted that I go on. So off I went. I felt strong, fast, and full of energy! I haven't felt that way that far into a race in a loooong time. It was divine! I was totally eating it up. I tore through that last mile on a total runners high. It rocked. It made me remember why I love to run. I totally needed that.
Rachel came in just a few minutes after I did and it only took her about 15 minutes to admit that she liked it and that she was glad she'd done it. Have I created an addict yet? I don't think so. But she IS running Ragnar with us next year. Wuahahaha. And don't let this face fool you. She liked it more than she'll ever let on. That's just the Rachel way of things. Good job girly! I'm so proud of you!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Good News

I went for a six miler on Saturday. Ran 95% of it. And even enjoyed it. First time in a long time. Maybe it will get better after all. I think it was all the heart to heart chats we've had here this week. Let's keep it up eh? Love you girls!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Working Out In Humidity

86 degrees

with 99% humidity

feels like running through one of those sauna rooms where you can't see in front of your hands.

it was intense, my lungs felt like they were on fire.

our mile was timed.

mine was 8:15.


i was happy.

the end.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can Do

Hey Ladies. After Manda's heartfelt post yesterday I had a good ole chat with myself. I have been pretty lackluster since moving to Georgia, a lot of having to do with what we all chatted about yesterday. The only thing I've consistently done is Bootcamp...once a week...far cry from my previous 6 days a week workout schedule. Last night I decided it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself because of these three things

1) As much as I want you to... neither of you will be moving to GA.
2) If I keep feeling sad about it, I'll never ever workout again.... and that's just no bueno.
3) I always feel better about myself and have a better attitude about life in general when I'm taking care of myself.

I made a goal to workout today for an hour and half no matter what. My alarm clock went off and I thought I hit the snooze button...nope... when I my babe started crying at 8:30 I grumbled (only slightly, cause sleep is divine) and told myself if I just put on workout clothes then I'd eventually workout. And you know what? I did.

I did a 30 minute DVD in my front room --with my girls. It was fun for them for the first 5 minutes and then it was a whole bunch of Jaylee saying "Moooooommmm how LONG is this?" and everytime I told her she could do it with me she'd stand up and say "I'm not old, I don't have to exercise!" Oh my silly kid. Reagan was all into working out. She was shaking her booty and laying down on the ground with me. When I started the ab portion, however, she decided it would be MORE fun to crawl ON my stomach and my head. Then Jaylee got into the mix and they were both jumping on my stomach (mind you, while I'm still doing abs). I got frustrated and didn't do the cool down section. I was still in my workout clothes and thought... okay... that was a half an hour... what now?

I strapped on my cycling shoes and went for a ride. I haven't been out since I messed up my hand in April. It was HARD but a very worthwhile workout. Because I had chosen to sleep in I was cycling about 11am... in the heat... I rode for about an hour. I came back dripping sweat, my muscles freaking, and my wrist throbbing but it felt SO GOOD to get out there again. So yay for me. I got up. I did my hour and a half of working out and I didn't cry. Alllll very good things.

Go Tres Amigas.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Grief!

Oh Manda your post made me sad it makes me want to RUN to O-town and go race around Ogden High's track...let me rephrase that- chase you around Ogden High's track cause your so FAST! I think those two years in the town house are my some of my favorite memories for lots of reasons and one of those reasons is your and Lori's friendship when I drive up the hill on Monroe I always smile and think of the many morning we raced up and down that blasted thing in heat in cold in happy and sad I think of the excited stories each of us shared during those morning and the struggles and trials facing us.
I don't know if I shared this before but while working graves at the Center for Change when I would leave in the morning at 5:30/6am all of me was sad, sad cause I knew you too were just greeting each other off to start your day, in the dark, on the silent pavement... not to get too mushy but thanks for what each of you shared with me, thanks for the distance we have covered, and most of all for your friendship! I treasure those time, with the best of times in my life! lets all grieve together :) It is a sad time, motivation will come we are too hooked but its OK to be sad

Trying to Find New Motivation

Hey ladies. Let me answer your burning questions. Yes, I am still running (lack-lusterly, but still doing it) and yes I will blog here again...apparently today. Tee hee.
So let me tell you about running lately. It's hard. I'm not feeling it. I haven't felt this off with running since I started 5 years ago. I don't know what to do about it. I HAVE however come to a conclusion as to why I think it is that it's so hard. It all has to do with how running began for me. I started running because I was asked to be on a marathon relay team with some ladies that I worked with at the hospital. They wanted me to run 5 miles, and the farthest I'd ever run was 3. The thought of 5 scared me to death. I happened to mention that to my friend Lori, and she immediately started writing me a training plan. I thought, "Seriously? A training plan? This girl is nuts." Then not only did she write it for me, she became my running partner to make sure I did it. I ended up breaking my toe playing soccer and couldn't run the race, but I really liked running, and the whole 'training plan' thing was growing on me, so I decided to keep with it. When I started running I couldn't even run an entire mile without walking. About 5 months later we were running 6 miles without stopping pretty easily. That's when Lor mentioned that she was going to run 10 miles to her mom's house one Saturday and I said that I'd like to tag along. That run was insane. I didn't have good shoes. I think I killed 3 toe nails. It was longer than I'd EVER run before, AND we got caught in a blizzard during our run. I got home and Jared looked at me and told me that I looked like a homeless bum. I was soaked, tired, and freezing cold. I was also hooked. I loved it. Even with all the craziness. The way I felt was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I loved running long distances.
After that run Lori convinced me to run more and more. A race here and there. I commited to a half marathon. Then I figured she couldn't run her first full marathon alone, so I'd better tag along...and our running partnership was cemented. Running became therapeutic, physically, emotionally, and many times spiritually. Lori and I went from being friends to being best friends. Then Erin came into the mix. We loved having someone new in the partnership. She just slipped in and wormed her way right into our hearts. Thus the tres amigas were born.
Then 2 years ago, school took Erin away from us. She's not far, but 2 hours is too far for a 5:30 run. I was sad, but it was back to Lor and I, and we just kept running. Then 1 month ago, school again (evil schools. what's with this education thing anyway?) took Lor 2000 miles away. Do you hear that? It's my motivation for running deflating. My partners in crime are gone. Pfffft.
I have had wonderful people step up and let me run with them since Lor moved. I have convinced other people to run at 5:30 in the morning with me at times. But my heart's just not in it right now. And I don't know what to do. Bleh. It's not that I'm not grateful to have the people to run with that I do. Because I AM grateful. If it weren't for them I wouldn't be running at all. I know I wouldn't (because on the mornings I'm on my own I haven't gone). I think I'm in mourning. I've been left behind. I hate feeling like I've been left behind. Grrrrr. So the question now is what do I do from here? Do I keep running because that's what I do? Or do I revamp? I'm thinking maybe some time spent focusing on weight training and speed training. All I know is that right now running makes me sad. And I hate that.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oh My Quads

Soooo yesterdays BootCamp class. Yup. It was fun. It was cardio centric-which excited me cause I'm much stronger in that dept right now. Get excited, here was our workout. (done at a track...with bleachers)

Warm up of .75 mile, slow jog.
The following stations going around the track for a repeat of 3 times
100 meters high butt kicks
200+ meters of forward lunges (it doesn't sound that far...but oh. my. it really really is), 2nd time around backward lunges
100 meter sprint
50 jumping jacks
100 meter sprint
jumping jacks until every one has finished

Oh I was burning just by THAT point. Then we headed up to the bleachers. Say it with me now with a twinge of dread: the bleeeeachers. She had us run up and down a section, back out to the track, do 5 explosions (you crouch all the way down, jump up with arms and hands extended) and then sprint 100 meters out, 100 meters back and back up the bleacher steps. Three times.
By the last time my legs were so jelly-licious that my sprint was pathetic. I truly felt like I was running on two sticks of butter through a forest of gummi bears. Sigh.


We did 100 bicep curls, 30 bicep rotations, an awesomely excruciating ab workout (planks for 60 seconds amidst other grueling things), some push ups and then we all laid on our mats and wanted to die.

Good time, girls, good time. I'm telling you --this type of working out is really starting to get addictive. Only downside... this morning my abs, butt, quads, and hams are on FIRE. I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a truck. But it's a good pain, one I'm glad I have.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Thanks for not taking away my rights as a writer on our neglected running blog. Hopefully I can quickly make my way back in your hearts! BUT today was the day I did it I got my tired achy body out on the pavement. I told myself all day yesterday I was going for a run in the morning. When I got up with Hayden at 1 am and 4 am I told myself the same thing. When I got at 6 am with her and could watch all the bikers/runners going by from the nursery window I told myself...
I WAS GOING! but once I got her back to sleep it was a tough decision not to curl back in bed myself, obviously you know the outcome I went some where deep down inside me I knew I really, really wanted to go- and go I did. My running watch's batteries were dead after its nine month slumber, so was my ipod, pretty sure my shoes have given up the ghost and have no road wear left in them either. But the important parts my joints, bones, lungs and heart pulled through for me in amazing strength and color! It made me realize how unnecessarily hard I can be on my body- I don't always eat the best or stretch like I should, every once in awhile I look in the mirror and pick it apart from head to toe, but as I ran I just thought about all the amazing things I have done and all the amazing places I have been because of my body and particularly what my body has done over the last nine months. I became so overwhelmed with gratitude I almost wanted to give my belly fat a big hug!
I only went two miles, but I am now two miles stronger! Somewhere over the last little while I heard, "runners who run with their ipod are runners who can't be alone with their thought." or some thing like that. I usually never have a hard time running, listening to music and thinking at the same time- but nonetheless my first time back I am glad I was completely alone. Now maybe in a week I will be ready for the fun running group in my hood.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Hey Ladies. I think we should really start writing on here again. Manda, you're training for a half... I want to hear about your fun long runs in Ogden. Erin, you're getting back into it, I want to hear about how much stronger you're feeling and what it's like to be at it again. Me, I need to start blogging for accountablility and to let you know how it is to workout here in the humidity!!!

First off, I LOVE LOVE LOVE sea level. Pretty sure I'd do cardio all day if I could. It's amazing the difference. No lung burning. Your legs give out way before your lungs do. Although, on a hot, sticky, wet day your lungs feel like they are drowing... like you're breathing in a sauna room. But I'll take that over the buuuuurn.

The last two weeks I've been doing a boot camp my friend (see I have friends, yay) Bridgette is in charge of. She kicks our butt and proceeds to hand them to us in a nicely wrapped package. I couldn't stand up and down for a good 24 hours after last Saturday. Here is the basic break-down of our first Boot Camp day:

1 mile warm-up
Hill sprints with circuits of power blasts (jumping jacks on speed) and lunges in between
lunges, lunges, lunges
Hill sprints with jumping jacks and power lunges in between
.5 mile run

Strength Training:
Circuit Training (jumps, forward lunges, burpees, sprints)
(all done while balancing on our shoulder blades holding our bum in the huuurt)

I was soooo sore. I worked out again on Monday and Tuesday and it seemed to stretch it out a bit.

Today's Bootcamp was easier for me. We did a lot of cardio circuit work. Then we did bleacher work... bleachers....bleeeechers. Guh. It hurt. After we worked on arms by balancing backwards on the bleacher steps. We did a tri, bi, combo with a total of 80 pumps. GAH. THEN we did the leg workout from hell. We held our lunge position for forrrreeever. Then abs.

Man. Alive.

I'm grateful for a friend who is crazier than I am and can push me but you two better watch out. If I workout this hard for the next 30 months I'm going to come back even crazier than I was. You two ready for that?

[cue clap of thunder]

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Plan.

You two can just move out here.

You can fly home on the weekends and say hi to your husbands.

We have an extra play pen, so bring the kids.

You in?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ATL Run, Numero Dos

First off, let me just tell you how EXCITED I am to have my little sister Ashley here for a few days. She's one of those mega-runners...ya know the kind that kick your trash at the local see them at the start and at the finish but during the race...ummmm?? Super duper fast, my little sis is. However, despite her speediness she likes to go running with me she calls them her "slow distance runs." whatevs. I'm all about the company!! She decided to come with me this week and explore ATL. It's amazing how much safer you feel with a running partner. I really need to get one of those, quick. Hmmm. Craigslist?

The run started off with Ash SUPER DUPER WAY excited about the fact that I drug her out of bed.... can't you tell? She was even more excited that her butt was going to be the prominent decor for all my running pictures today.
This run was much more enjoyable then the first run. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that my sister was with me, but I was also not as nervous and knew the streets a teeny bit better. We decided to skip off the main roads and check the neighborhoods out... I took lots of pictures of alll the many many many cute houses, get excited....

The run was gorgeous. I loved the neighborhood we ran through. It was only about a 45 minute run but I was grateful. It was super hot and I was suuuuper sweaty. One neat thing I've noticed on the runs is the amount of runners/walkers that are out. TONS. We passed many many runners this morning. I feel very safe here, which is a huge blessing. Everywhere we drove today I just kept remarking on how many cute houses there were and was writing street names down so I could remember to run different routes. (within 6 miles or so of my house...) Ashley said something that pretty much sums up how I feel about my direct surroundings:

"It's as pretty as Ogden, but it's like Ogden on EVERY. STREET. Not
just a section, everywhere you turn is OGDEN!"

Maybe that's why I like it so much.
Thanks for the run lil sis. I'm totally crying when she leaves Friday.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Ragnar Relay

If you want to read all about it (which you totally do), then head on over to my blog! All I have to say is Ragnar Rocked.
Totally doing it next year baby.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Running in ATL

Hey friends! Yes I know, I need to blog about Wasatch Back, it'll happen I promise. But here's my first blog post from ATL.

I went running this morning. I was all sorts of nervous because a) it's a new place b) wasn't sure if my plotted run was in a "safer" area and c) i had to run by myself. I took my trusty BB and headed out on my first run.

Lori vs. Humdity, take one.

First, off. It feels AWESOME to run at sea level. Holy my lungs loved me. The 4 miles I ran felt like I'd ran 1. Seriously. That good. But the humidity, oh my, it kicked my trash. I don't generally sweat much but by about mile 2 I had sweat dripping in my eyes. By the time I was done with the run I looked like I'd run through the sprinklers. My A/C never felt sooooo good.

Here are some pics from my fabulous first run:

Me post workout with sweaty wet hair. but I was psyched!
(like that my front yard is a forest, too?)
here's to more ATL adventures!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Training for the Wasatch Back

Sooooo let me just tell you about my fun runs last week as I've been preparing for the Wasatch Back. Oh get excited. To train, they recommend that you do 2 runs in a 24 hour period twice. Well last week I realized that there was only 2 weeks left before the race and I'd better get hopping on that. So looking at my week I decided that the best time to do that would be Thursday. I usually run Thursday mornings, my evening was pretty open so I could run again Thursday night and then I usually run on Friday mornings as well. Perfect 3 runs in 24 hours. Doin' it.

Well I forgot to take one little thing into account. Soccer on Wednesday nights. Thursday morning came and I got up ready to run. As we got moving my body began to protest. I suddenly became very aware of all of the bumps and bruises from soccer the night before and my muscles felt like lead. Rickem rackem not stretching after soccer. Bad plan. So after a less than encouraging run, I focused my thoughts on a great run that evening. Thursday after work I quickly changed and hit the pavement again. My legs hurt, but no worse than in the morning. This time it was the heat that was the challenge...and the hills.

Even though I felt like I was running in slow motion, I did it, and didn't die along the way. Then came Friday morning. My desire to wake up was almost non-existent, but I knew that we had planned on a trail run and that at least sounded fun. My body now ached from head to toe. I was SO glad that Lori was there with me. I totally think I would have given up otherwise. Yay for running partners!
Moral of the story? No soccer the week of Ragnar. I don't need any other pains. 3 runs in 24 hours will do quite well thank you.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh Ogden How I Will Miss Thee

12 miles through Ogden.  

Started at Manda's weaved our way until we were at the trailhead, took a nice detour through the trails (which, btw, Erin they have totally ruined! a pipe broke and they had to tear down a bunch of's sad...)... trails that Amanda BIFFED it on (who says I'm the only clumsy one?)... then headed down through our favorite "pretty houses" stretch.  Ahhhh one day Marilyn Drive we WILL live on you.  We will make it happen.  It's totally on my vision board... so it's gonna happen, right?  

After that we ended up snaking down to the parkway and enjoying a misery free run down the parkway taking time to reminisce about how many times we've run the parkway... which ones we'd like to forget (like ummm the PAIN of being at 24 miles? ow ow ow) and the times we love.The only thing that would have made it better was if you were with us Erin. Oh what a great long run it was.  We felt great, we were happy, and we desperately tried not to focus on the fact that this run--this long run--was the last double digit run we'd be doing together before I moved.  Sniff. Sniff.  37 days, friends, wow.  Soooo wierd.

The weekend couldn't have gotten better... oh but. it. did.  Amanda and I volunteered for the Ogden Marathon (since umm we didn't register before it was sold out..whoops) it was a HOOT.  Oh my goodness.  LOVED it.  Amanda has all the pictures so I'll let her tell you the stories.  But I can't begin to express to you how wonderful it was.  What a great way to say goodbye to the Ogden course.  Woo hooooooo!!!!  Yay for Ogden, yay for awesome running friends, yay for rockin long runs and fantabulous memories.